


“You can take it off。”

Blair reached up and swept the blindfold; which was actually one of Chuck’s flamingo pink ties; off her forehead。 She blinked in surprise。 Before; the one…bedroom apartment had been decorated in blacks and grays; with leather couches and ottomans and chrome tables and silver lighting fixtures。 Now; it was decorated in shades of pewter and lavender; the walls painted a soft dove color。 An antique silver mirror hung over the fireplace; and there were fresh…cut flowers on the long walnut dining room table。

“To us;” Chuck said simply; handing Blair a glass of champagne。 “Wele home; Blair…Bear。” Besides her dad; Chuck was the only person who ever called her Blair…Bear。

“Why… what…” Blair trailed off。 The apartment was beautiful; but what did it mean? Did he mean he wanted her to move in with him? She’d never really thought about where she’d live when she moved to the city after college; but she’d always assumed it would be on the Upper East Side。

“Since we’ll both be back in the city for good once we graduate; our apartment should feel more like our home。 If there’s anything you don’t like; the decorator will work with you。 This is just the beginning。 I can’t wait for us to live together。” Chuck cupped her chin and kissed her。

Blair pulled away。 “It’s very nice;” she said faintly; glancing around the living room。 She tried to imagine sitting at the head of the table; hosting dinner parties。 Setting up Fresh Direct deliveries and carefully placing perishables in the Sub…Zero refrigerator in the sunny south…facing kitchen。 Taking showers together in the morning and then picking out clothes in the side…by…side closets in the bedroom。

It was the life Blair had always wanted… but did she really want it so soon? It was one thing to live together for a few months in Oxford; but another to live together for the foreseeable future。 Did this mean they were engaged? Suddenly; her mind flashed back to the conversation with Chuck’s mom。 Everything was moving too quickly。 “I think I need to sit down;” Blair choked; settling on a lavender…upholstered wingback chair。

Chuck held out a champagne flute and perched on the chair arm。 “Here you go。 Merry Christmas;” he said; brushing his lips against her cheek。

“Merry Christmas!” Blair parroted; clinking her champagne flute a little too forcefully against Chuck’s。

Would she have rather he kept on the blindfold?

the trouble with fairy tales is that they always end

On the day after Christmas; Jenny stood outside her apartment building; stamping her tiny feet on the sidewalk to keep warm。 She wore knee…high boots and her favorite red wool coat。 Her dark brown hair was loose around her shoulders; and even though her ears were freezing; there was no way in hell she’d risk hat…head。

Nate was going to pick her up any second to see The Nutcracker; and she didn’t want to bring him upstairs and subject him to her dad。 Rufus meant well; but he could be overprotective; and didn’t entirely approve of Nate。 Rufus remembered all too well how hysterical Jenny had been when they’d broken up her freshman year of high school; and no amount of explaining would convince him that Nate was different now。

A town car glided down the street and came to a stop in front of her building。 Nate rolled down the back window; and Jenny’s heart thudded against her chest。 Most of the time Nate was just Nate; the boyfriend whom she woke up to every morning and who became grumpy if he didn’t eat breakfast。 But at times like these; Jenny was reminded of the dreamy; gorgeous; almost unapproachable boy she’d first fallen in love with when she was only fifteen。

“Hi。” Nate smiled his adorable; lopsided grin as the chauffeur rushed around the door to let Jenny in。 She scooted onto the leather seat beside Nate。

“Meow!” Jenny nuzzled her nose into his neck and breathed in his delicious boy scent。

The town car turned down Broadway; where the sidewalks were crowded with people ducking in and out of the stores still decorated for Christmas。

“I’m excited!” Jenny said; intertwining her fingers with his。 She and Nate had seen The Nutcracker four years ago when she was a freshman; and she’d loved it。 Back then she’d been too amazed by the fact that Nate was sitting next to her and holding her hand to pay any attention to the performance。 Then they’d made out in Central Park and then… well; she wasn’t going to think about what happened next: Vanessa Abrams had unwittingly filmed them goofing around in the snow; including Nate playfully pulling down Jenny’s pants。 The footage of Jenny’s bare butt wound up on the Internet。 Jenny smoothed her DVF dress down on her lap; as if to remind herself to keep her clothing in place。

For now; anyway。

“Me too;” Nate said as the car lurched between stoplights。 He’d seen The Nutcracker every year since he was born—usually with Blair—so he was kind of over it by now; but Jenny’s enthusiasm was contagious。

The car pulled up in front of the sprawling Lincoln Center plex of glass…and…iron…wrapped concrete buildings。 Jenny smiled happily。 “’Bye!” she yelled to the driver。

Nate held her hand as he led her to the New York State Theater building。 Jenny felt like she was in a fairy tale。 She imagined them in ten years: Jenny would be a freelance graphic artist and Nate would be a high…powered lawyer。 Every year; the day after Christmas; they’d bring their two kids to The Nutcracker。

Nate led them to orchestra seats。 A set of blond toddler triplets sat next to Jenny on one side; and on Nate’s other side were four elderly ladies with grayish…blond bouffants lacquered two inches above their Botoxed foreheads。 They were practically screaming as they bragged to each other about their grandkids。 Jenny frowned。 This wasn’t what she’d imagined。 Maybe it would get better once the show began?

The lights dimmed and one of the toddlers next to her started shrieking。 Jenny tried not to be frustrated; but this was supposed to be their big night out in New York; and suddenly it didn’t feel romantic or magical at all。 It felt like a field trip gone wrong。

Nate leaned back in the plush velvet chair。 He’d been baked every other time he saw The Nutcracker。 Maybe it would be really cool sober。

Or maybe not。

Nate smiled as the giant tree grew out of the slick black stage of the New York State Theatre。 That used to be Blair’s favorite scene。 After that; she’d get antsy and the

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