


Or maybe not。

Nate smiled as the giant tree grew out of the slick black stage of the New York State Theatre。 That used to be Blair’s favorite scene。 After that; she’d get antsy and they’d usually skip the second act to drink cappuccinos in the lobby and spy on the couples walking around the promenade below。

Nate closed his eyes; imagining what it would be like if Blair was here。 She’d looked terrific at her mom’s dinner party。 And so had Serena。 It had been unnerving; the way they’d kept giggling whenever they glanced toward him and Jenny。 And then they’d excused themselves to the terrace and when they finally reentered; they smiled sneakily at him。 He knew them too well and was pretty sure they’d been talking about him。 And no matter how much he loved Jenny; he wanted to know what they’d been saying。

Nate realized everyone around him was clapping。 Was the first act over already? He clapped politely。 “Want a cappuccino?” he asked Jenny。 Suddenly; he didn’t really feel like being there。

“Sure。” Jenny shrugged; looking so innocent and sweet that Nate felt a weird lump in his throat like he was going to cry。

Imagine if he was stoned…。

“So; what did you think of the show?” Jenny asked later。 They were in the library of Nate’s town house; sitting side by side on the tan calfskin couch; drinking merlot out of Riedel glasses。 A sailboat documentary played on the flat screen in front of them。 Nate had been quiet for the rest of the show; even during the romantic end when Clara and the prince are finally together; happily ever after。

“Nate?” Jenny asked again; realizing he was sound asleep; his head flopped against his shoulder。 Jenny sighed in frustration。 This was not how she’d expected the evening to play out。 She’d been hoping they would e back and sit in front of the fire; not the flat screen; and that they’d be drinking wine and whispering sweet nothings to each other; not asking each other questions like they were strangers。

Jenny bounced up and down on the couch; hoping he’d wake up。 It wasn’t even eleven yet; and she was still all dressed up。 If she wasn’t going to get undressed by her boyfriend; she didn’t want the outfit to go to waste。 Suddenly she realized that tonight was Tyler’s party; the one he’d e…mailed her about。 It would be fun to just go out and dance and not feel like she was part of an old married couple。

Jenny debated waking Nate up; but he looked so cute and peaceful lying there that she felt it was better to just leave him be。 She grabbed a tartan Asprey throw from a corner club chair and carefully tucked it around him; then took her purse and tiptoed into the living room; thankful that Nate’s parents were on vacation and she had the town house to herself。

She pulled out her phone from her knockoff Louis Vuitton purse; perched on a white love seat by the window; and called her old friend Elise Wells。 They’d kept in touch a bit while Jenny was at Waverly and Elise was at Constance; and Jenny knew she’d be home on break from Stanford。

“Jenny?” Elise squealed; answering the phone on the second ring。 “Are you in New York?”

“Yes; I am!” Jenny said brightly; then cut to the chase。 “Want to go to a party?”

On the other end of the line; Jenny could sense Elise hesitating。 “Is your boyfriend ing?” she asked finally。

“Nope; just me。 Sorry it’s short notice。 Remember Blair Waldorf? Her brother; Tyler; invited me to a club where he’s DJ’ing tonight。 It’s somewhere downtown;” Jenny said; trying to remember the name of the club。 Something that reminded her of coffee。 “At Filter?” That sounded right。

“Wait; Tyler Rose; as in the DJ TyRo?” Elise sounded excited。

“Yeah!” Jenny said in surprise。 Elise had heard of him?

“Pick me up in ten minutes;” Elise manded。

Outside; Jenny looked at the rows of green…awninged buildings on Fifth Avenue。 Most of the lights in the windows were out; and she felt a shiver of excitement course through her body。 She hadn’t had a wild and crazy night in forever。 She hadn’t realized until now how much she missed the feeling of an anything…can…happen adventure。 She hailed a cab and directed it to Elise’s building several blocks away。

A figure brushed out of a door。 It was Elise; looking taller; blonder; and skinnier than Jenny remembered。 She wore a cleavage…baring Alice+Olivia purple tank top and a tight black Marc by Marc Jacobs skirt without a coat。

“Hey!” Elise exclaimed; bursting into the cab and hugging Jenny。

“Hi!” Jenny grinned excitedly。 She’d missed her old friend。 “Um; we’re going to Filter? On Fourteenth and Tenth;” Jenny told the cabbie through the Plexiglas partition。

“I brought some stuff to get the party started。” Elise grinned mischievously as she passed her a bottle of Diet Coke。 Jenny took a swig; coughing when she realized it was saturated with vodka。

“Thanks!” she grinned; taking another; more careful; sip。

Some things never change。

The cab pulled up to a one…story black building。 A red velvet rope held back a line that snaked its way down the block; and a beefy bouncer stood with his arms crossed; blocking the ominous…looking steel door entrance。

Jenny boldly marched up to the bouncer; ready to tell him she was on the list。 But she didn’t have to。 He just grinned; showing his gold…capped teeth; and waved them in; clearly finding the two overeager girls to be a wele change from the bored…looking hipsters who made up the rest of the line。

“Nice; Humphrey!” Elise said; clearly impressed。 She made her way to the bar while Jenny picked through the crowded club。 It was dark and dingy; and girls with asymmetrical haircuts and short mod dresses were dancing with guys wearing skinny ties and vests。 Tyler—it was hard to think of him as TyRo—was playing a weird but cool mix of Ladytron and the Cure and the Clash。 It was the type of music her friend Brett loved; but Jenny never really understood。 She always preferred cheesy Top 40 music。 Still; there was something decidedly cool about the scene。

Elise tapped her on the shoulder。 “I got you a drink。” She held a vodka soda out to Jenny。 “I should tell you; I have a boyfriend back at Stanford; so I have to behave tonight。”

“How good is good?” Jenny arched an eyebrow。

飘渺之旅(1)  遇女心惊  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  洪荒凌霄录  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  第一名男友  别怕,小绵羊  九界前传  校花古游记  修神成魔  老板,笑一个  神医至尊:开局被退婚  早安,幽灵小姐  女王的裙摆~  蝴蝶金簪  霸绝天  昆仑·天机卷  梦华传说  贼女王妃  


















