


a long time。 Moxie would be talking in full sentences by then。 What if she didn’t even remember Vanessa?

“Should I go?” she asked in a small voice she didn’t quite recognize as her own。

Ruby pursed her lips together as she sat down next to Piotr。 “Well; I met Piotr when I left for that SugarDaddy foreign tour。 I was scared too; but it all worked out so totally well。”

“Same for me;” Piotr said in his still heavily accented English。 “I came to the U。S。 because I fell in love。”

“Like that’s the only reason? You also said you couldn’t wait to try New York City pizza。” Ruby shot Piotr a skeptical look。 “Vanessa; you’re twenty…one。 You need to get out and see the world!” Ruby said in her big…sister voice。

Vanessa nodded slowly。 She’d lived in New York for the past seven years of her life。 A change would be good。 But all she could think about was how far Indonesia was from Iowa…。

Here we go again。

on the street where b lives

Blair surveyed the brightly colored wooden block tower she’d built in the center of Yale’s nursery and nodded in satisfaction。 The Waldorf…Rose family had always opened presents first thing in the morning; and right now Tyler was in his room; setting up a bunch of DJ equipment he’d gotten; Aaron had taken the train to Scarsdale to visit his mom and friends from high school; Cyrus and Eleanor were grossly feeding each other eggs at the breakfast table; and Blair was happy to be hanging out with Yale。

“Yale; over here!” she cajoled。 Her sister sat in the corner; setting up her stuffed animals in an elaborate pile。 She had determined that none of the other stuffed toys liked the giraffe; so she’d relegated it to the far corner of the room。

It starts early。

Blair’s cell buzzed; skittering on the hardwood floor。 She glanced down at the display。 Chuck。 His flight had probably just landed; and Blair couldn’t wait to see him。

“Hello?” she asked。

“I want to talk!” Yale demanded; reaching for the phone。

“No;” Blair snapped; yanking the phone from Yale’s little hand。 “Hey;” she said sweetly as she settled into the pink glider by the dormer window in the corner。

“Merry Christmas; gorgeous;” Chuck said。

“Are you back?” Blair asked eagerly。 After so much time apart; she was looking forward to an uninterrupted month together。

“I’m at the Village apartment;” Chuck said; referring to the Cornelia Street one…bedroom his parents had bought him for his twenty…first birthday。 He’d barely lived in it at all; since he was at Oxford all year and they’d spent most of last summer in the south of France。 “Can you e over? There’s something I want you to see;” he added mysteriously。

“Yale; go find Tyler;” Blair manded; leaving the nursery and heading next door to the guest room where she’d been staying。 “See you soon;” she said into the phone before hanging up。

Once Blair emerged showered; shaved; and wearing a black silk Theory high…necked silk dress that was just the right bination of nice and naughty; she took the elevator to the lobby and had the doorman catch one of the many empty cabs that was sailing down Central Park West。

The city looked beautiful; like the front of a holiday card。 Snow was beginning to fall; but the sun was shining brightly and reflecting the light off all of the Midtown skyscrapers。 Blair sighed happily。 She loved New York in the winter。 Anyone could love the city in the summer; when cafés set up tables outside and you could spend hours sitting on the steps of the Met drinking iced coffees。 But in the winter; you had to seek out the things that made New York magical: steak frites at Le Refuge; cuddling into a warm Searle peacoat; your hand intertwined with an adorable boy’s。

“Thanks;” Blair said when the cab turned off Sixth Avenue and onto Cornelia Street。 Cornelia was Blair’s middle name。 It felt like destiny。

She stood in front of the five…story brick building and pressed buzzer number two; stamping her feet against the cold。 Chuck buzzed her in and she quickly ran up the steps; surprised to see him standing in front of the black apartment door。

“Hi!” Blair threw her arms around his broad shoulders。 He wore a pair of khakis and a dark blue button…down; and his hair was a little longer than it had been at Thanksgiving。

“Merry Christmas;” Chuck breathed。 He kissed her and Blair eagerly kissed him back。 “Your present’s inside。 It’s a surprise;” he breathed into her ear。 It was then that she realized Chuck was tying a blindfold over her eyes。

Now that’s what I call a Christmas present。

Blair readjusted the blindfold so it wouldn’t flatten her hair。 Chuck placed his hands on her shoulders and directed her inside。 Blair heard the pop of a champagne cork。 Was that the surprise?

神医至尊:开局被退婚  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  早安,幽灵小姐  九界前传  霸绝天  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  贼女王妃  遇女心惊  修神成魔  昆仑·天机卷  女王的裙摆~  别怕,小绵羊  洪荒凌霄录  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  校花古游记  梦华传说  第一名男友  老板,笑一个  蝴蝶金簪  飘渺之旅(1)  


















