


emark fedora over his thick dark hair。 He stood there casually; like he’d only been gone a matter of minutes—not months。

Vanessa didn’t say anything。 She felt like she was going to cry。 Even though it was practically a scene from a terrible chick movie; she couldn’t resist running to him and wrapping her arms around him tightly。 She lifted her face up until her mouth met his。

“Remember; there’s a kid watching!” Ruby called from the couch。 Moxie gazed; entranced; at Hollis。

“Hi;” Vanessa said dumbly; staring up at him as if he were a vision。

Courtesy of too many Scrubbing Bubbles fumes?

“I couldn’t wait a month。 I don’t want to be in Iceland。 I want to be with you;” Hollis said simply。

“You’re back?” Vanessa asked。 “For good?”

Hollis nodded。 “Unless you’re hiding a boyfriend somewhere。”

“Just Paul Morrissey。” She gestured to the DVD case on the coffee table。

“We’ll leave you alone;” Ruby said; bundling Moxie back into her snowsuit。 “Maybe there’s a movie about talking penguins we can see。”

Vanessa didn’t even notice her adorable niece and sister as they made their way into the elevator。 She was too busy kissing her boyfriend。

Beats mopping the floor。


“Do you think Jenny will choose RISD or Pratt?” Serena asked; taking a thoughtful sip of her organic chai。 She and Dan were seated at a small table in Blue State Coffee; one of the cute coffee shops on Thayer Street in downtown Providence。

“Pratt;” Dan said confidently。 His hair was sort of shaggy—Serena hadn’t been able to drag him to John Barrett’s—and he wore a rumpled blue cotton oxford shirt and jeans。 He looked slightly homeless; but to her; he was absolutely adorable。 “Jenny’s wanted to go there since she learned how to draw;” he said proudly。

“I didn’t have a clue when I was her age。” Serena wrinkled her nose。 “But I guess it just depends on the person。 Blair always knew she wanted to go to Yale…。” She trailed off。

“Have you spoken to her? Is she in New York for the holidays?” Dan asked before emptying the last of his double espresso from his mini porcelain cup。 It made him feel like a character in Alice in Wonderland。 The espresso was his second; and they’d been in the shop for less than an hour; hanging out while Jenny took her RISD tour。 She was due back any minute。

“I don’t know。” Serena shrugged; thinking of her and Blair’s huge fight last winter。 A blowup between them wasn’t anything new—they’d been fighting since before they could properly form sentences。 But their arguments usually blew over quickly。 This one hadn’t。 Blair had gone to study abroad at Oxford while Serena had gone to Yale; and they hadn’t spoken since last January。 “It doesn’t matter。 I just hope she’s had as good a year as I have;” Serena added; smiling at Dan。

She and Dan had gotten together the previous winter break; and the relationship had quickly turned serious。 By April; Serena was spending most of her weekends at Dan’s Upper West Side apartment。 They’d sit at the tiny kitchen table; studying together; or go to the coffee shop on his corner and read。 Dan was a junior at Columbia and Serena wasn’t quite sure what she was at Yale。 She’d just started in September; but she’d carried over a few credits from courses she’d taken at the New School earlier that year。

Being at Yale was more plicated than she’d thought it would be。 It was strange living in a dorm when she was used to having her own apartment。 She felt years older than her fellow freshmen; and it wasn’t easy to get back into studying mode; especially since she’d only taken fun classes at the New School; like screenwriting and New York in Literature。 She liked reading books; but she’d never been one for taking tests and writing papers。 And even if she did go back to the city every weekend; it was hard to be separated from Dan from Monday to Thursday。

She did miss acting; but she didn’t miss having an agent and a publicist and getting followed around and pointed at everywhere she went。 Her first few weeks on campus; she’d get the occasional second look or stare; but she’d quickly found a degree of anonymity she relished。 Yale students were so busy with their own lives that for the most part they couldn’t get worked up over a girl who was an actress once。

“Another cup?” Serena teased; noticing Dan’s jittery hands。

“Nah; I’m good;” Dan said; missing her sarcasm。 Sometimes; like right now; Dan still couldn’t believe Serena van der Woodsen was his girlfriend。

She laced her fingers in his as she gazed absentmindedly out the window。 It was starting to snow; and the flakes swirling around the Gothic buildings of the Brown campus were very romantic。 It reminded her of playing in the snow with Nate back in high school。 It made her want to start a snowball fight; but Dan wasn’t really the roughhousing type。

Dan’s cell buzzed in his pocket。 “It’s Jenny。 She’s meeting us at the car。”

“Let’s go。” Serena stood and made her way out of the coffee shop。 Together; they headed to the parking lot and settled into Dan’s blue Buick Skylark。

Dan rested his hands on the steering wheel and leaned back into the bucket seat as they waited for Jenny。 He was suddenly glad he’d had the two espressos。 He loved Jenny; and he loved Serena; but the two girls together had made for an exhausting ride up。 They’d bothered him every fifteen minutes to stop for coffee; snacks; and bathroom breaks; making what should have been a three…hour trip more like five。 Dan didn’t want a repeat performance on the way back; especially since the snow was starting to stick to the ground。

Jenny bounded in the back door of the Buick; looking red…cheeked and radiant。

Wonder why?

夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  女王的裙摆~  蝴蝶金簪  第一名男友  遇女心惊  洪荒凌霄录  飘渺之旅(1)  早安,幽灵小姐  贼女王妃  昆仑·天机卷  别怕,小绵羊  九界前传  修神成魔  老板,笑一个  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  霸绝天  校花古游记  神医至尊:开局被退婚  梦华传说  


















