


“You’ll never guess who I ran into—Nate Archibald! Isn’t that crazy? He was going to take the train back to the city; but I figured we could just give him a ride;” Jenny said without taking a breath。 Her gaze landed on Serena。 Oops。 In her excitement; Jenny had almost forgotten about Nate and Serena’s plicated history。 To her; Serena was simply Dan’s girlfriend。 Would this be weird?

Of course it will!

Dan narrowed his eyes at the dark blond; green…eyed figure outside his car。 Nate Archibald was the asshole who’d broken Jenny’s heart three years ago; and had broken Serena’s heart just the year before。 Dan had only heard the vaguest details about what had happened; but he knew Nate was bad news。 What the fuck was he doing here? “Actually; I think we’re pretty full—” Dan began。 He racked his brain; trying to think of some lie to prevent Nate from driving home with them。 A weight limit?

A no…assholes rule?

“Natie!” Serena squealed; peering out the window at Nate。 “What are you doing here?!” Serena couldn’t believe Nate was right in front of her。 She’d hardly thought about him this past year。 She knew she should still be mad at Nate after what happened last winter; but it all seemed so far in the past。 Besides; she could afford to be generous。 If Nate hadn’t made her so miserable last year; she’d never have reached out to Dan。 So in a way; she owed her current happiness to him。

“We totally have room!” Serena announced; getting out of the car。 Nate looked so cute and helpless; with snowflakes sitting in his dirty blond hair。 She threw her arms around Nate in an affectionate old…friends hug。 “Hop in;” she told him; getting in the backseat with Jenny。

Dan sputtered; his blue fleece–gloved hands gripping the steering wheel。 He didn’t love the idea of Jenny talking to this douche; and he really didn’t like the familiar way Serena had hugged him。 And now he had to give the guy a ride?

“Hey; I really appreciate the ride; especially with this snow。 I’ll take middle;” Nate offered; climbing over Serena and wedging his lanky frame into the middle of the seat between her and Jenny。

Serena squeezed his shoulder。 “Let’s go;” she said。

Dan glared mutinously toward the backseat。 Why didn’t Serena offer to sit up front with him? What was he? Their fucking chauffeur?

“Great。 Let’s go;” Dan growled; navigating out of his spot and slowly driving down Thayer Street toward I…95。

“Dan; aren’t you going to ask me about RISD?” Jenny needled in her little…sister voice。

“How was it?” Serena asked curiously。

“So good;” Jenny gushed。 “And guess what? Nate’s going to Brown!”

“You are; Natie? Oh my God; that’s awesome!” Serena cried。 “Wait; we need something to celebrate。 Dan; can you stop for snacks?”

Dan grunted。 The last thing he wanted was for them to eat a fucking cake in the backseat of his car while he drove them around like a fucking soccer team。 “I think we should just try to get home as quickly as possible。 The snow’s really ing down;” he pointed out。

“Whatever you say。” Nate shrugged。 “I’m still not used to being back on the East Coast。 We don’t get snow at Deep Springs。”

“Did you know that Nate knows how to birth cows?” Serena said proudly as Dan merged into the bumper…to…bumper traffic of I…95 South。 The cars were jockeying for road space; and the steadily falling snowflakes made for poor visibility。 Dan sucked in his breath。 He hated driving。 Part of the reason he loved living in New York was that he never had to drive。

“I need to concentrate;” he muttered; turning on the windshield wipers。

Nate tapped Dan’s shoulder。 “You want me to drive? I’m pretty good at dealing with the dust storms in California。”

“No;” Dan said shortly。 He looked in the rearview mirror。 Jenny was leaning toward the middle section of the seat; practically on top of Nate。 She was a smart girl; but when it came to boys; she could be sort of a ditz。 Dan knew his sister; and right now Jenny was in full…on flirt mode。

God help us。

“I got stuck in the snow once;” she offered。 “With my friend Tinsley。 Our car broke down in the middle of the highway; and we had to spend the night in it。 We thought we were in; like; the middle of nowhere; but when we woke up the next morning we realized we were right in front of a hotel。 The owners felt sorry for us and gave us a free breakfast。”

Nate chuckled。 “That’s funny。 I always wondered what went down at boarding school。 Serena would never give up any stories about Hanover。”

“What do you want to know?” Serena stuck out her tongue at Nate。 “That was a million years ago; anyway。”

Dan pulled forward into an empty lane and accelerated angrily。

Suddenly; the car swerved toward the shoulder。 Dan whipped the wheel in the opposite direction; the back of the car swinging like the tail of a snake。 Behind them a car horn blared。 Jenny shrieked; and Serena braced herself against the back of Dan’s seat。

Dan pressed on the brake and pulled over; his breath short and heart pounding。 Everyone was silent。 They could’ve been killed。 He peered out the window。 Fat flakes were falling; and the stormy clouds meant it was only going to get worse。 Fuck。 Stuck in a fucking blizzard; hours from home。 “It’s too dangerous to try to get all the way back to the city in this。 I don’t have snow tires; and this car isn’t exactly in the best of shape。” Dan said flatly; hating the truth of the statement。

They all peered out at the

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