


nd collected eighteen…year…old she was。 Or would be; if she hadn’t just been confronted by her high school crush。

“Jennifer; right?” Nate smiled easily; his whole face lighting up。

Jenny nodded mutely; trying to ignore the sweat beads forming along her hairline and her heart hammering in her chest。 She was glad her belted red Searle coat was buttoned up all the way; so Nate couldn’t see the red hives that sprang up on her chest when she was embarrassed。

“Long time no see。” Nate smiled。 “Do you go here?” His green eyes searched Jenny’s dark brown ones。

Jenny shook her head; her brunette curls bouncing around her head like vines。 “I just went on a tour of RISD。 I applied there; and Pratt; but I can’t decide between them。 I’m a senior this year;” she explained nervously; feeling like she’d traveled back in time to her awkward high school years。 She might as well be wearing her seersucker Constance Billard uniform; worrying about whether Mrs。 M was going to bust her for talking to a boy on campus。 “Do you go here?”

“Nah。” Nate shuffled from side to side。 “Just looking。 Where are you headed now?”

“My brother’s supposed to pick me up on Thayer Street。 Think you can help me find it?” Jenny asked coyly。

Who can resist a damsel in distress?

“I think it’s that way。” Nate pointed to a set of tall wrought…iron gates on the other side of the snowy campus。 “I’ll walk over there with you;” he offered; and led the way down a path that ran along a squat; ivy…covered building。

“Thanks!” Jenny practically had to run in her distressed Frye cowboy boots to keep up with Nate’s long strides。

Nate slowed down。 He’d gotten used to a faster clip; keeping up with Gertie and the other girls on the farm。 “So; do you go to Constance?” he asked。

“No; I go to Waverly。 It’s a boarding school upstate。 But what about you? Didn’t you go to Yale?” She remembered hearing about Nate getting into all the schools he’d applied to; despite being a well…known stoner and slacker。 She hoped she didn’t sound like a stalker。

“I go to Deep Springs。 It’s a working ranch in California。 We spend the morning reading and in classes and then the afternoon doing manual labor on the ranch。”

“Oh。” Jenny wrinkled her nose。 Poor Nate! “Did your parents make you go there?”

Nate shook his head; his green eyes suddenly far…off。 Jenny wondered what he was thinking about。 He seemed so much older than the guys at Waverly; who bragged about sneaking booze to the Crater; Waverly’s best outdoor party spot; or how many times they’d fallen asleep in Ms。 Hummerton’s Texts of the Twentieth Century class。 She loved Waverly; but she was more than ready for her next adventure。

And it might just be more imminent than she thinks。

They were nearing the center of campus and Jenny felt her heart flutter in anticipation。 She could imagine everyone passing them thinking they were a couple back early from break; deep in conversation about what to do for New Year’s。

“So; why did you go to Deep Springs?” Jenny pressed。

“I just needed to get away from everything。 But the program only lasts two years; and then you transfer。 Next year; I’m thinking Brown。” Nate nodded definitively。 The tour guide had been annoying; but the campus was pretty and Yale was out of the question now that both Blair and Serena were there。 Or so he’d heard。

Jenny scanned the parked cars for Dan’s beat…up Buick Skylark when they reached Thayer Street。 The redbrick sidewalk was confettied with coarse salt。 “I’m seriously considering RISD…。” She trailed off; hoping Nate would make the connection。

Nate smiled。 Jennifer looked really cute in her red coat; with her hair pulled back from her round; cherubic face。 “Well; if you’re at RISD and I’m here; I guess we may be seeing each other a lot next year。”

Jenny smiled right back。 She’d make sure of it!

Just the sort of determination every college admissions officer wants in a college candidate。

watching him watching her watching him

It was a Saturday night and Vanessa was curled up on the black leather couch; eating takeout straight from the carton and watching Flesh; the 1968 Paul Morrissey movie about a hustler in New York who has a whole lot of sex。 When she’d first watched it in high school; she’d thought she’d missed something。 Now; she realized that there really wasn’t much else going on in the film。 It was practically a porno。

九界前传  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  修神成魔  女王的裙摆~  别怕,小绵羊  第一名男友  神医至尊:开局被退婚  老板,笑一个  霸绝天  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  梦华传说  遇女心惊  昆仑·天机卷  早安,幽灵小姐  洪荒凌霄录  飘渺之旅(1)  校花古游记  贼女王妃  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  蝴蝶金簪  


















