


“I didn’t sleep very well;” Blair grumbled。

“I can always change room arrangements when your friends leave; so you can get your beauty sleep;” Harold offered。

“They’re not my friends;” Blair muttered。 “I don’t know why they’re here。 I thought it would be a relaxing holiday with just the family; and I have to read Ulysses; and I can’t do anything when I’m so stressed out。 Look; Daddy; do you think I’m breaking out?”

“Morning!” Serena said loudly as she clattered down the stairs。

“Serena;” Harold boomed jovially。 “Coffee?”

“Yes please。” A bowl of fresh pumpkin spelt scones; courtesy of Giles; sat on the counter。 Serena took one; plunging her thumb into the flaky pastry。

“Hi;” Blair said icily。

“Hi;” Serena responded; taking a buttery bite。 “I like your bracelets。”

“Thanks。 My boyfriend gave them to me;” Blair said pointedly。 “Speaking of; where’s yours?” And when are you all leaving? she wanted to add。

“He’s still sleeping。” An awkward silence fell over the kitchen as Serena tried to search for clues about whether or not Blair and Nate had been together last night。 It was hard to tell。 Blair seemed edgy and bad…tempered; but that didn’t mean anything。 She was often edgy and bad…tempered。

“How are your parents?” Harold asked politely; breaking the silence as he settled on a chair opposite Serena。

“They’re great。 Right now; they’re in St。 Barts for New Year’s。 My brother; Erik; is getting married next year; so they’ve been really busy with plans。” Serena nodded happily。 Erik had met his fiancée when he went to Australia for his junior year abroad; and they’d been inseparable since。 The only downside to the wedding was the floor…length lilac taffeta dress she’d be obligated to wear as a bridesmaid。

Blair resisted the urge to roll her eyes。 Who cared? And why was Serena up so early? Had she sneaked back into Nate’s room?

“What time are you leaving?” Blair asked rudely。

Serena felt like she’d been slapped。 Apparently; their truce had ended。

And the cold war is back on。

“Blair!” Harold chided。 “The snow is still ing down。 It’s New Year’s Eve Day。 You kids are free to stay as long as you like;” he said; glancing out the window。

Serena followed his gaze。 The flurries from earlier this morning were now large; swirling flakes。 She and Dan were supposed to be back in New York this evening for Rufus’s infamous New Year’s Eve flambé party; but now it looked like they would be forced to stay another night。 She was as trapped as the animals at the Central Park Zoo。

And about to fall prey to a lioness。

heartbreak hotel

Vanessa woke up with a start on New Year’s Eve Day。 She turned over and stretched; realizing that she was alone in bed。 Since he’d gotten back; her and Hollis’s sleep schedules had been so off; it felt as though they were roommates rather than a couple sharing a bed。

She got out of bed and sleepily padded down the winding staircase into the living room。 She sniffed the air; surprised not to smell any muffins baking or eggs frying。 Hollis loved cooking breakfast; and Vanessa had gotten used to waking up to a feast。 She smiled happily at Hollis; sitting shirtless at the counter in a pair of flannel pajama pants and the same type of thick; woolly socks he’d given to Vanessa。

“Happy New Year! Glidilegt Nytt Ar。 Isn’t that how you say it in Icelandic?” She’d looked up the pronunciation on the Internet; sure that the phone was the only way they’d municate on the holiday。 She skipped down the stairs and plunked down on the chair opposite him。 But Hollis was busy squinting down at his iPhone。

Finally; he looked up; his gaze icy。 “How’s Dan?”

A shiver of fear ran up her spine。 Hollis was reading the texts on her phone。 “Dan and I were texting last night。 While you were out;” she said coldly。 She wasn’t going to be made to feel guilty when she hadn’t done anything。

“Just texting? ‘Depends who I’m meeting on the roof?’” he said in a mocking tone。 “No wonder you didn’t e out with my friends。 You wanted to go meet up with Dan。”

“What? No!” Vanessa screeched; her voice echoing in her ears。 This was ridiculous。 Nothing could be further from the truth。 Last night she’d eaten half a tub of Ciao Bella on the couch with her feet under Norma。 Which was pretty much how she spent all her time these days。 For the last year; she’d been stupidly devoted to Hollis。 She’d put her whole life on hold for him。

“What else am I supposed to think?” Hollis asked in exasperation。 Norma emitted a low…pitched whine from the floor; as if to say she didn’t want any part of this。 “You didn’t want to go out last night; you didn’t even try to be friendly with the Streetscape people—it’s like you don’t even care…。” Hollis shook his head ruefully。 “Long distance sucks; I know that。 But it wasn’t like I was in Iceland for fun。 I was working。 You of all people should appreciate that。”

Vanessa blinked back angry tears。 Outside; the city was blanketed in snow; quiet and cold。 “You’ve been with the film people all the time; then you just e home and expect me to be your personal assistant;” she retorted。 “I didn’t want to go out because I was fucking exhausted from picking up after you。”

“Really? Really; Vanessa?” Hollis snorted。 “Guess you weren’t too tired to text Dan all night。 How e you never texted me like that?” The hurt was evident in his voice。

九界前传  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  女王的裙摆~  老板,笑一个  霸绝天  蝴蝶金簪  洪荒凌霄录  校花古游记  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  修神成魔  别怕,小绵羊  神医至尊:开局被退婚  遇女心惊  第一名男友  早安,幽灵小姐  飘渺之旅(1)  贼女王妃  昆仑·天机卷  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  梦华传说  


















