


ity in one of Blair’s discarded T…shirts。 The makeshift jammies would have to do。

Okay; Jenny whispered to herself。 She felt excited and nervous all at the same time。 She creaked the door open and stepped into the dark hallway。

Blair climbed up the rickety attic stairs; a Tocca candle in one hand。 It was fig scented and perfect for the bedside; but not very helpful in casting light on her path。 She looked up when she heard a sound ing from the door at the bottom of the stairs。

Serena。 She wore one of her ancient C&C California T…shirts from high school; without a bra underneath。 The candlelight flickered over her pale hair and perfect features; making her look more beautiful than ever。

“What are you doing?” Blair whispered; balancing precariously on the stair。

Serena sucked in her breath。 What was Blair doing here? “I was going to the bathroom。 Dan was taking a shower in ours and I remembered there was a bathroom up here;” she lied; shrugging nonchalantly。 “What are you doing?” she asked; even though she had a feeling she knew the answer to that question。

“I was making sure the window upstairs was closed;” Blair shot back。 At least that made more sense than Serena’s ridiculous lie。 It was so fucking obvious Serena was trying to sneak into Nate’s room。

“Do you need help? With the window?” Serena asked; arching an eyebrow。

“I’ll just text Nate to get it。 No use waking everyone up。 And there’s a bathroom downstairs。 I can show you;” Blair challenged。

Serena paused。 Finally; she nodded。

Blair escorted Serena down the hallway like a policewoman with a petty criminal; standing sentry at the door。 She heard Serena turn on the faucet before emerging a few seconds later。

“Good night;” the two girls said; daring each other to be the first to turn back and climb the attic stairs。

Blair didn’t budge。 It was her goddamn house。 She was going to stay up all night if that was what it took。 “Good night;” Blair said again; more pointedly。

“See you tomorrow morning;” Serena said before heading reluctantly down the hallway。 Would Blair go back to Nate’s bedroom after she left?

Or would someone else get there first?

things that go bump in the night

Nate had fallen asleep quickly。 He was having a dream about chasing Blair and Serena all over Central Park but never being able to catch them when the door to his room creaked open。

“It’s me。” A girl’s voice pulled him out of his soupy; half…conscious state。 Nate blinked to adjust his eyes to the light。 The girl held a candle that cast a glow on the ecru walls; making it impossible to see her clearly。 The figure was too short to be Serena’s; but the voice was too breathy to be Blair’s。

Nate sat up and ran his hand through his hair。 “I can’t really see you;” he said。 Jenny held the candle closer to her face; casting her skin with a warmish golden glow。 She wore a pair of tight black leggings and a lacy black tank top。 “Here; you’ll get cold;” he said; holding up the flannel covers and patting a spot on the mattress next to him。

Jenny placed the candle on the nightstand and tried to smile seductively。 Her heart was hammering in her chest and she wanted to scream with excitement。 It was happening。 It was finally happening!

Easy there; tiger。

She climbed into the bed next to Nate and pulled the flannel forter over their legs。 Their hips were touching; and she could smell the scent of fabric softener and shave gel。 His hair was still damp from the snow outside。

She turned and kissed him; enjoying the feel of his stubbly cheek against her smooth one。 Outside; the storm was still raging; but in the attic; next to Nate; she felt cozy and warm and safe。

Nate kissed her back hungrily。 Her tiny; curvy body felt so good in his arms。 He edged down one strap of her lacy camisole and kissed her milky white shoulder。 It felt so nice; so familiar to be with Jenny; even though the last time they’d hooked up was three years ago。 But that was the thing about Jenny。 She was fortable; soft; sweet; easy。

Watch it—no girl likes being called easy。 Especially in a bed。

“Wait。” Jenny pushed his hand away and held it。 Her hands were tiny; like little kid hands。 She led his hand to rest on the center of her chest; on top of the little rosette on her bra。 “I’m a virgin。” Jenny smiled shyly。 “I want you to be my first。 I’m just letting you know in case… you know;” she finished。

“Oh;” Nate said。 It made him feel protective of her。 He didn’t want to hurt her。 “Are you sure?” he asked; intertwining his fingers in hers。 He hadn’t been with anyone for a year。 At Deep Springs; the nearest women were tens of miles away; and until recently; they were even further from his mind。

“Yes; I’m sure。” Jenny smiled at him softly; invitingly。 She eased her camisole straps all the way down her shoulders。 “I just wanted you to know。”

Nate nodded and blew the candle out。 Then he took Jenny—sweet; unplicated; sexy Jenny—in his strong; capable arms。

That’s one way to end a year。

hey people!

when the lights go out

You know how in Jane Austen novels; the most scandalous things always happened in the country; never in town? Well; we may be more than a century away and an ocean apart; but the same thing happens here。 Say what you will about city living; but something about the one…with…the…elements; outdoorsy lifestyle seems to bring out the frisky in everyone。 Is there anything more romantic than cuddling by the fireside and kisses by candlelight?

九界前传  神医至尊:开局被退婚  蝴蝶金簪  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  遇女心惊  女王的裙摆~  第一名男友  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  校花古游记  贼女王妃  修神成魔  别怕,小绵羊  老板,笑一个  霸绝天  早安,幽灵小姐  飘渺之旅(1)  洪荒凌霄录  昆仑·天机卷  梦华传说  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  


















