


“Good to see you;” Chuck said enthusiastically。 He slid onto the metal bar stool next to her。 “Jameson on the rocks;” he ordered。 “And we’ll also have a grilled cheese。 And the hummus plate;” he added。

“I’m not hungry;” Blair said shortly; hoping Chuck would get the hint and leave。 After all; she hadn’t e down to the bar to socialize—she’d e down because her drunk ex…boyfriend was in her bedroom and she had nowhere else to go。

“Well; in case you change your mind。 You want to talk?” Chuck asked。

Blair considered。 She and Chuck had never really gotten along; but they’d known each other forever; and someone was better than no one。 “Have you seen Nate this break?”

“I have。 He’s been a little… bent out of shape。 Have you?”

Blair nodded。 “He thought it would be a brilliant idea to e here。 To find me。 And then crawl into bed with me。 Which was fucking perfect; because five minutes later; my boyfriend came into the hotel room and got the wrong idea。 So let’s just say I’ve had a shitty night;” Blair said tightly。 She grabbed a cocktail napkin and began shredding it。 Tiny pieces of paper rained down on the oak bar like snowflakes。

“That’s rough;” Chuck exhaled。 He stared into his drink contemplatively。

“I just don’t know why he always does that。 He always fucks up my life。 He always has;” Blair said in a small voice。 The tears started again。 Chuck took another cocktail napkin from behind the bar and offered it to her。

“You’re probably the only person he can trust;” Chuck said gently as the bartender placed the grilled cheese and hummus plate in front of them。 Blair eyed it hungrily。 She’d never been one of those girls who lost an appetite in a crisis。 “Here。” Chuck grabbed half of the sandwich and held it toward her。 For a second; Blair thought he was going to try to feed it to her; but he didn’t。 She took the sandwich from him and Chuck pushed away her half…finished drink。

“What you need is a bubble bath; some candles; and some chocolate;” Chuck said。 Blair rolled her eyes。 Of course。 This was what the whole conversation was leading up to。 Chuck just wanted to take advantage of her。

“And I suppose I need pany in that bubble bath;” Blair replied sarcastically; draining the rest of her drink and standing up。 She grabbed the bar counter for support; feeling shaky。

“Look; you can stay upstairs in my suite; and I’ll sleep in my apartment。” Chuck gently put his arm on her shoulder to steady her。 “And tomorrow; we can go to brunch。”

Blair wanted to shake him off; but she was too tired。 Instead; she gratefully leaned into him。

Upstairs; Chuck led Blair down the hallway to the Bass suite。 “Good night; Blair;” he said; kissing her on the forehead。 “I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning。”

She may be down and out; but that doesn’t stop the boys from falling for her。

if all else fails; move across the ocean

Serena sat at a banquette of the Star Bar at the Tribeca Star hotel on Saturday afternoon; nervously chewing on a pink star…shaped cocktail stirrer。 She wore a clingy blue Alice+Olivia dress and Christian Louboutin over…the…knee boots; her hair pulled into a high bun。 She was utterly oblivious to the admiring glances shot her way; lost in her own little world。

The Star Lounge had never carded; so she’d been ing here since she was fifteen; when she used to meet Blair for a drink before going up to Chuck’s suite。 The lounge looked the same as always: black leather ottomans and couches surrounded the perimeter; and the walls were covered with shelves of flickering candles。 It was only Serena who’d changed。

Cue the Joni Mitchell sound track…。

She’d sat on her bed in her empty apartment last night; leafing through scripts her agent had sent along。 She could be a young woman looking for love in the city; she could be the beautiful former golden girl who gets sucked into a downward spiral of coke and vodka; she could be the love interest; a beautiful but vacuous blonde who was only the end goal; or; for a real change of pace; she could be the bitchy villain in a superhero movie; wearing a leather catsuit and a dark wig。

Serena didn’t want to be in any of those movies。 She didn’t want to be in any movies; period。 Sure; the press junkets; the swag; the glitz and glamour had been fun at first; but they’d quickly lost their appeal。 Instead; she’d thought a lot about what Dan Humphrey had said; about Columbia giving him the chance to think and learn and explore。 The more and more she thought about it; the more appealing college seemed。 Where else could she spend her time reading and growing up and figuring out what she wanted to do with the rest of her life?

Just this morning; she’d summoned her courage and made a call to the Yale admissions office; to let them know her deferral period was over。 Now she was officially in; ready to matriculate next fall。 She’d told her parents and brother at brunch。 There was only one other person who needed to know。

I’m sure that person will be thrilled。

“Your friend ing?” the server asked dubiously; picking up Serena’s now…empty vodka soda。

“Who knows?” Serena sighed。 She knew Blair was staying at the Tribeca Star; and was counting on her ing in or out at some point in the evening。 But she’d already been waiting for an hour; and so far; no sign of her。 “I’ll have another one。”

Serena glanced up at the entrance again。 If she didn’t e in five

第一名男友  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  老板,笑一个  女王的裙摆~  梦华传说  别怕,小绵羊  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  校花古游记  昆仑·天机卷  遇女心惊  霸绝天  修神成魔  洪荒凌霄录  九界前传  蝴蝶金簪  神医至尊:开局被退婚  飘渺之旅(1)  贼女王妃  早安,幽灵小姐  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  


















