


“Don’t be mad。” Hollis put his hands on Vanessa’s shoulders and whirled her Aeron chair around so she faced him。 His gray eyes were wide with concern; and his chin had a tiny bit of the five o’clock stubble that Vanessa had always found so sexy。 “I have someone for you to meet。 This is Norma Desmond。 She sort of has this diva…ish personality; but I think there’s a lot going on beneath the surface。 She’s certainly a charmer。” He scooped up the tiny puppy and waved its paw at her。

“You decided to get a dog。 Any other decisions you made today that you didn’t tell me about?” Vanessa asked crisply。 She gazed down at Norma; who was shaking her tiny butt uncontrollably。 The name was from Sunset Boulevard; a film Vanessa and Hollis both loved。

“Look; Vanessa; I know you’re mad。 I’m really; really sorry about the way everything went down。 I should never have had you pitch the film to Streetscape。” Hollis’s eyes looked so sweet and sincere that Vanessa wanted to believe him。

“So then why were you going along with them? Why didn’t you leave with me?” Vanessa asked sharply。 She glanced down at her beat…up Doc Martens so she wouldn’t have to look at his face when he lied。 She willed her boots not to kick him。

“Because Streetscape has changed。 I realized that when I saw it was Stacy handling the meeting。 Stacy is under a lot of pressure to make movies that will sell。 Before; no one knew who she was; so she could afford to take risks。 Now; she’s known in Hollywood and she’s scared shitless。 That’s why she called that other exec in。 I know the demo talk is bullshit; but it’s the formula that works。 I mean; I’m still building my career and they’re the best and I trust them; but I know they’re not the best for you;” Hollis explained。 “And I just got Norma because I felt so guilty and she’s so cute。 She’s part chow and part poodle。 She’s a choodle;” Hollis explained proudly。 “And I wanted to see you smile。”

The puppy was adorable; and Vanessa fought a smile。 She didn’t want to be won over so easily。 “Why did you even set up the meeting?”

“I got excited。 I love your story;” Hollis said earnestly。 “But what they want to do isn’t your movie。 Once I saw how off…track they were getting; I pushed them away from your idea on purpose。 I didn’t want you to wind up making a movie that would promise your vision。”

“Really?” Vanessa grinned shyly。 Now that she thought about it; Hollis hadn’t really spoken up at the meeting until after the story had gotten so off…track—and after Stacy had made it clear she wasn’t going to have it any other way。

“Of course。 So they want me to direct the film。 It’s on location—in Iceland。 And I’ll have to go to Australia too; to cast the Maoris。 The twin kids evolved into a whole family; like Cheaper by the Dozen but with Maoris; in Iceland。 But I told them I needed to think about it。 I’ll drop it in a second if you want me to。” Hollis gazed down at Vanessa。

Vanessa glanced around the apartment—the brand…new ecochic furniture; the clean; bare walls they hadn’t decorated; the expansive living room they planned to throw so many dinner parties in。 If Hollis went to Iceland; it would be a long time before they really lived in this apartment together。 But dropping a Streetscape project was equivalent to career suicide。

Just then; Norma whined plaintively。 “Well; I’m going to take Norma’s protest as a no;” Hollis shrugged; scooping up the puppy。

“No。” Vanessa shook her head definitively。 They had plenty of time to build a life together。 After all; she was only a sophomore。 “You need to do it。 I want you to do it—we both do。” Vanessa reached for the puppy and buried her nose in its soft and fluffy fur。 “How long will you be gone?” she asked。

“A few months。 But you can e to Reykjavík whenever you want。 I mean; you need to。 I don’t know what I’ll do without you。”

“You’re not gone yet;” Vanessa murmured。 It was a lot to process。 She was sad; but not upset。 Yes; Hollis was leaving; but somehow; their relationship seemed stronger than ever—strong enough to stand the distance。 And maybe a few months apart would be good for her; too。 She could concentrate on her own work。

“Thanks for bringing me a friend;” she added; still cuddling with the puppy。

“I’ll miss you guys;” Hollis said huskily。 He kissed Vanessa’s forehead; then the puppy’s。 “Take care of each other。 You two are my family now。”

Vanessa smiled。 “Absence makes the heart grow fonder; right? And a few months isn’t too long;” she insisted。

Right。 And Iceland isn’t very far away at all。

on some nights; frenemies beat strangers

“Vodka tonic;” Blair said brusquely to the Tribeca Star bartender; a pretty platinum blonde who looked like she’d never had her heart broken before。 Unlike Blair; who’d had her heart broken—five? Seven? Nine times?—by the exact same guy。

“Another one?” The bartender arched one penciled…in eyebrow。

“Yes;” Blair said icily。 It was her right to get as drunk as she wanted after the night she’d had。 She pulled out her cell and dialed Pete’s number again。 Of course it went to voice mail。 Tears pricked her eyes。 It was really over。

Blair felt a tap on her shoulder。 She whirled around; ready to tell whoever thought it was a good idea to talk to her to fuck off。

“You okay?”

Blair looked up and into the eyes of… Chuck Bass? What the hell? Where was his pinky ring? Or pet monkey? Blair had heard that Chuck had transformed; but seeing it in person was so shocking she almost forgot her tragedy of a life。 His dark brown hair was cut close to his head; and his dark eyes looked serious and friendly at the same time。 He wore a blue cashmere sweater; khaki pants; and loafers。 He looked surprisingly good。

“Hi;” Blair said finally。

早安,幽灵小姐  遇女心惊  修神成魔  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  神医至尊:开局被退婚  昆仑·天机卷  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  蝴蝶金簪  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  贼女王妃  女王的裙摆~  第一名男友  飘渺之旅(1)  霸绝天  洪荒凌霄录  别怕,小绵羊  校花古游记  九界前传  老板,笑一个  梦华传说  


















