


Nate blinked。 Chuck Bass never did anything for himself。

“Glad you made it。 Let’s head inside;” Chuck suggested; gesturing toward the door。 Nate nodded dumbly as they whooshed through the revolving door and into the vaulted…ceilinged; marble…floored lobby。 Instead of turning left toward the elevator bank; Chuck perched on one of the low…slung black leather couches in the dimly lit lobby。 “Sorry。 It was fucking freezing out there。 I’m used to California。” Chuck smiled。 “But I’m not quite ready to head back upstairs。 Want to chill here for a sec?”

Nate gingerly sat on an ottoman。 “California? What were you doing out there?”

“Deep Springs; my man。” Chuck nodded; his eyes glazed over as if in happy reminiscence。

“Deep what?” Nate parroted。 Was that some sort of Playboy resort?

Or a gay spa?

“Deep Springs;” Chuck repeated。 “The all…male college。 It’s a two…year program on a working alfalfa farm in California。 We all run the farm and the school in between humanities classes;” he explained patiently; settling back into the couch。 Nate glanced down and noticed he was no longer wearing the gold pinky ring he’d worn since sophomore year; after he’d starred in a European cologne campaign。

“Oh。” Nate was still confused。

“Look; I didn’t get into any schools and I didn’t know what to do。 My dad’s cousin is married to a board member there so they allowed me to do a late interview。 It was either that or go to military school; and I just couldn’t leave Sweetie。” Chuck named his snow monkey。 “I was fucking terrified when I got there。 They made me give away my Armani sheets to use as tablecloths in the boardinghouse。 I had to get rid of all my clothes and find new clothes in the bone pile; which is all the clothing left from guys who have moved on。 I mean; I was wearing other people’s shit。” Chuck shuddered; as if reliving the experience。 “But it turned out to be what I needed。 I was a mess in high school。 I mean; you saw me。 I was a dick; and I’m sorry about that;” Chuck said; opening his hands as if to ask for forgiveness。

“Thanks。” Nate shrugged。 He thought of a playdate at Chuck’s when they were four。 While Chuck’s nanny was watching a soap opera; Chuck had bit Nate’s arm; laughing the whole time。 He’d always been a dick。

Just part of his charm。

“I’m a changed man; Nathaniel;” Chuck continued; crossing one ankle over his knee。 He wore a pair of worn…out…looking cowboy boots。 “That’s why I needed to take a breather before I headed back upstairs。”

“I understand。” Nate nodded。 He did understand。 He needed a breather and he hadn’t even gone up there yet。 “So what else happened at Deep Springs?”

“So; I get there; I’m wearing some guy’s flannel shirt and jeans; we’re on this alfalfa farm in the middle of the desert; and I swear to God; I was ready to call my father; our lawyers; everyone; but there was no service。 I was in the middle of the fucking desert。 Our first night; Sweetie got bit by a rattlesnake。 Poor girl。”

“Did she die?” Nate asked。

“Yeah; but not because of snakes。 She sort of starved herself to death。 She just couldn’t adapt。” Chuck shrugged sadly。

“How did you do it?” Nate asked; awed。 “I mean; how did you make it through?” Chuck was nothing like the Mercedes…S…class…driving; pink…shirt…wearing douche Nate remembered。

“I mean; the first month sucked; but then they changed my job from farm team to dairy boy and everything just changed。 I’d be up at dawn with these cows; and I realized that there’s more to life than just acquiring things and people。 You know; hooking up with someone’s easy。 Castrating a bull is fucking hard; man。”

“I guess so;” Nate grunted。 In a way; he and Chuck had been through similar experiences。 They’d both separated themselves from society; they’d both thought about their lives while doing manual labor。 But why did Chuck seem so grounded and happy and normal while Nate felt more fucked…up than ever?

“So; what’s going on with you?” Chuck asked panionably; steepling his fingers against his chin。 “You and Blair still together? Or what about Serena? Dude; some guys at Deep Springs watch Breakfast at Fred’s over and over again in the rumpus room。 During the next calving season; we’re going to name the firstborn Holly。” Chuck shook his head fondly; his eye resting on the bags of ice melting at his feet。 “Shit; I’ve gotta get back upstairs。 Are you ing?” Chuck’s brown eyes bored into him。

“I’m ing。” Nate stood up and grabbed one of the bags of ice。 As they made their way into the elevator; Chuck went on about all the Deep Springs buddies he’d invited to New York; but Nate was only half listening。 Chuck really had changed。 And if college could change someone like Chuck Bass; Nate couldn’t begin to imagine what it could do for him。

It was freezing on the terrace and Blair had already smoked two Merits; but she didn’t want to head back inside。 She didn’t want to pretend to care what Laura and Rain were doing with their lives。 She didn’t want to watch Isabel slobber all over her girlfriend。 She didn’t want to watch the cowboy guys try to beat each other in Grand Theft Auto as if they’d never played a video game before in their lives。 No wonder Chuck hadn’t even bothered to show up at his own party。 Nothing was happening; no one interesting was here; and she was going to fucking kill Serena as soon as she saw her。 But first; she was going to have to beg the concierge to get her a suite in the hotel—it was New Year’s Eve and they were probably all booked。 She couldn’t wait to take off her dress; order room service; and drink vodka sodas from the minibar while watching AMC。

Sounds like a rockin’ New Year’s Eve。

Blair yanked open the sliding door into the suite just as someone else was stepping out onto the terrace。 She caught her breath。 Broad shoulders。 Tanned skin。 Light brown hair streaked blond from the sun。 Hollowed…out cheekbones and a scruffy beard。 Glittering green eyes that were staring right at her。 Adorable smile。

“Hi;” Blair finally managed。 She twisted her ruby red ring around and around her little finger。 The last time she’d even heard from Nate was when he’d sent her a text message telling her he’d decided to sail the world instead of ing to Yale with her。 She wasn’t sure if she wanted to kick him; or… kiss him。

神医至尊:开局被退婚  洪荒凌霄录  遇女心惊  昆仑·天机卷  女王的裙摆~  贼女王妃  早安,幽灵小姐  校花古游记  九界前传  第一名男友  老板,笑一个  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  飘渺之旅(1)  蝴蝶金簪  霸绝天  修神成魔  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  别怕,小绵羊  梦华传说  


















