


he wore a skinny purple tie and a black vest。

Hell is other people’s… outfits?

Serena made a beeline for the bathroom。 She really didn’t feel like getting into another conversation with Breckin。 He was definitely attractive and had appeared in a couple spy thriller movies; but his conversation topics ranged from his abs to his agent。

She swung open the bathroom door。 A bare…assed girl was straddling a half…naked guy on the edge of the onyx sink。

Definitely occupied。

“Sorry!” Serena squealed; slamming the door shut。 Gross。

“Serena!” Breckin sidled up to her。 “May I say you look lovely。” He snaked his arm around her shoulders; drawing her closer to him。 “My agent thinks we should date。 What do your people say?”

Serena stifled a giggle。 Her people? The phrase made her think of little green aliens landing their UFO on Earth。 “Do you always do what your agent tells you; or do you have a mind of your own?”

“Oh; I have a mind of my own;” Breckin said slimily。 He plucked two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and offered one to her。 “And there’s a lot going on in there。” He winked。

“Cheers!” Serena clinked glasses with him while sneaking a glance at her gold Cartier tank watch。 Eleven fifteen。 She’d planned to leave the party by eleven; and she still hadn’t said hi to Thad or talked to any of Ira’s producer friends。

It’s a tough job; but somebody’s gotta do it。

“So…?” Breckin asked; clearly waiting for her opinion on their dating future。

“My people will be in touch;” Serena lied as she backed away。 She pulled her iPhone from her silver Chanel clutch; sending a text to Blair that she was on her way。

“Serena van der Woodsen; you are beautiful!”

Serena whirled around; relaxing when she saw Thad。 He wore a tight white cashmere muscle tank and a pair of white linen pants。 A six…foot…tall girl with straw…colored; ass…skimming hair held his hand。 She wore a red cleavage…baring dress with an amoeba…shaped cutout at the middle。 Serena recognized her as an up…and…ing singer who’d won some reality show petition。

“This is Carilee Roberts。 Our agent introduced us;” Thaddeus said tightly; brushing his blond curls from his forehead as if he had a headache。 “Carilee; this is Serena van der Woodsen。”

“Hey there; sugar。 Why; don’t you look like just the sweetest thing? I could just eat you up! Of course; I don’t mean that literally。 I only like boys!” Carilee said enthusiastically; yanking Serena’s shoulders toward her and kissing her aggressively on both cheeks。

“Nice to meet you。” Serena said as she backed away。

Thaddeus’s light blue eyes flicked down to Serena’s almost empty champagne glass。 “We need to get you a drink。 And we need to get me ten。 Can you hang out with us for a bit? Serge couldn’t make it。 He decided to go to a Boys’ Night Out party instead;” Thaddeus whispered。 Serena could detect a hint of desperation in his voice。 Thad obviously wished he was at a Boys’ Night Out party; rather than the Hollywood…heavy party Ira had insisted he host。

“Of course。” Serena smiled as she trailed after Carilee and Thaddeus to the bar。 It was the least she could do。 Blair would understand。

Of course she would。

What the fuck; Blair murmured as she listened to Serena’s voice…mail message click on for the tenth time tonight。 She was sitting on the edge of the bathtub in Chuck Bass’s Tribeca Star suite。 Serena had promised that she’d only stay at her Hollywood is Hell party for an hour; but it was now almost eleven thirty。 Of course; Serena had invited Blair along; offering to “add her to the guest list。” Like Blair was so pathetic she needed her movie star best friend to get her in places。 She’d demurred and opted to meet Serena here instead。

Blair sighed in frustration as she tossed her phone back in her clutch and sauntered out of the bathroom。 She couldn’t believe Serena would just ditch her like this。 They’d always spent New Year’s Eve together。 Blair remembered so many parties in this very suite; splashing around in the raised hot tub in their skimpiest Calypso bikinis; trying to find the cutest guy in the room to make out with when the clock struck midnight。

Of course; they always wound up kissing each other。

“I heard Blair and her Yale boyfriend had this secret wedding in Mexico; but then they had to have it annulled;” Laura Salmon whispered to Rain Hoffstetter over by the makeshift bar in the kitchen annex。 She wore a glittery sheath dress; and a matching Swarovski…studded headband was perched on her dark roots。

“Really? I heard Blair found out she was pregnant with Nate’s baby and now she’s trying to make it seem like the Yale guy is the father。 Luckily; she’s not really showing;” Rain Hoffstetter whispered back。 A diamond stud glittered in her left nostril; drawing attention to her pug nose。

Blair strode over to her former Constance classmates; aware their eyes were on her。

霸绝天  梦华传说  遇女心惊  修神成魔  校花古游记  九界前传  女王的裙摆~  昆仑·天机卷  飘渺之旅(1)  早安,幽灵小姐  神医至尊:开局被退婚  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  贼女王妃  老板,笑一个  洪荒凌霄录  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  蝴蝶金簪  别怕,小绵羊  第一名男友  


















