


“I understand;” Vanessa said; pleased that she could go to Hollis’s party without worrying about Dan。 “I don’t want you to disappoint your dad。 Besides; we have plenty of time now。”

Dan melted all over again。 It was so cute that Vanessa was concerned about his dad。 He took her hand and interlaced his fingers with hers。

“You’re right;” he murmured; drawing her close。 “I’ll be back in a few days。” It would mean a lot to his dad to spend some father…son time together。 Especially since he and Vanessa would be moving in together soon。 He couldn’t wait。

Because nothing says forever like a cramped studio apartment。

wele back

Blair heaved a sigh of relief as she hauled her Louis Vuitton duffel to the curb outside La Guardia on New Year’s Eve day。 Just a few hours ago; she’d said goodbye to Pete at Logan Airport before hopping a muter plane to New York。

“Where to?” The cab driver gazed at her through the Plexiglas partition。

“Nine ninety…four Fifth Avenue。” Blair rattled off Serena’s address as if it were her own and leaned back against the cab’s black pleather seats。 The past few days at the Carlsons’ had been torture。 After the “no ring; no bring” announcement; the cozy atmosphere had felt decidedly claustrophobic。 Now she was actually looking forward to spending New Year’s in the city and seeing Serena again。 She rummaged through her thyme green Lanvin weekender bag for her iPhone。

“I’m ing over!” Blair announced as soon as Serena picked up。 The cab hit a traffic snarl right before the Queensboro Bridge。 Instantly; the cars around them started honking。

“You’re in New York?” Serena squealed。 “Oh my God; I can’t wait to see you!” Her excited; crackly voice filled the cab。

“See you soon!” Blair clicked off。 The familiar skyline came into her vision; and a smile curled across Blair’s lips。 She was back。

The cab navigated its way into Manhattan and weaved across the east side。 On Fifth Avenue; it stopped in front of a familiar; green…awninged building across from the Met。 A familiar blond figure stood outside; two coffees in hand。

Blair rolled down the window of the cab and sucked in her breath。 Of course; she’d seen photos of Serena in all the weekly gossip magazines she pretended not to read; but Serena in person took her breath away。 She wore a tattered pair of J Brand boyfriend jeans and a fuzzy white cashmere sweater。 Her thick blond hair was loose around her shoulders and her makeup…free face was flawless。

Serena yanked the cab door open and tackled Blair in a bear hug。 “I’ve missed you!” She hugged her tightly。 Serena had gotten a Cartier watch from her parents for Christmas and a Burberry ski parka from Erik; but this was all she really wanted: her best friend home for the holidays。

“Me too;” Blair replied honestly。 The cabbie removed her bags from the trunk and set them on the sidewalk。 Instantly; Roland; Serena’s ancient doorman; took the bags and brought them inside。

Once they were alone; Serena stared dumbly at her friend。 She couldn’t believe Blair was right in front of her。 She looked older; somehow。 Her hair was longer than it had been last summer; her small face more angular。 But she was grinning widely in a way that reminded Serena of how she’d looked as a little kid。

“I bought you coffee。” Serena proffered a white Dean & Deluca cup。

Blair took a sip and smiled as the skim latte with two Splendas slid down her throat。 That was the great thing about old friends。 They knew you; right down to how you took your coffee。

“Can we sit on the steps for a little bit?” Blair asked almost shyly; gazing at the Corinthian columns of the Met across the street。 Back in high school; they spent hours on the steps; gossiping and pouring their hearts out to one another。 The steps were the center of their universe。 Blair had even had her going…away party inside the famous museum。 It felt right that they begin their reunion there; instead of in Serena’s apartment。

“I was hoping you’d say that。” Serena grinned; already crossing the street。

They settled midway down the steps。 It was surprisingly warm for December; and the museum entrance was crowded with people。 Blair spotted two girls huddled over coffee a few steps below them; and for a moment; thought it might be Kati and Isabel。 But when the blonde turned; Blair realized she was only about fourteen。 She reminded herself that everyone had changed in the past few months。

Some more than others。

Serena rummaged through her oversize See by Chloé bag and pulled out a pack of Gauloises。 She handed one to Blair。

“So tell me everything;” Serena began; lighting both their cigarettes。 “Starting with how and why you’re here。”

“So…” Blair heaved a deep breath。 After the horrendous few days she’d had; grinning stupidly as she played board games with Pete’s family and pretending everything was okay; she couldn’t wait to finally unload the truth。 “I was at my boyfriend; Pete’s; house in Vermont for Christmas。” Blair nervously twirled her ruby ring around her finger。 “We were staying there just for the holiday; before taking off for Cos

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