


Dan blinked and his breath caught in his throat。 So many times he’d imagined her: his perpetually black…garbed muse。 But now she was here; framed by the entryway。 Her hair had grown into a sleek black pixie cut and she wore a red coat and black jeans。 Her cheeks were red from the cold; contrasting beautifully against her alabaster skin。

“Surprise!” Vanessa cried; tossing her army green duffel bag on the floor。 It was so familiar; and yet so strange; to see Dan sitting on the couch; frowning down at a notebook。 It was as if she’d taken a time machine back four months to last summer。

She threw her arms around Dan and kissed him hungrily。 “Mmm; you feel good;” Vanessa murmured。 She ran her hands all over his thin white Hanes T…shirt。 She could feel his heart thumping in his chest。

“How are you here?” Dan croaked。 It was hard to believe this was real; and not some post…traumatic stress hallucination left over from Evergreen。

“I missed you。” Vanessa shrugged。 She’d left Vermont this morning; after she realized that a week with her hippie…parents was more than enough time。 Besides; she wanted to surprise Dan。 He’d always seemed so down on their Skypes。

“I missed you too。” Dan kissed Vanessa again。 He didn’t like their lips being apart。 “I have so much to tell you;” he breathed。 He’d meant to tell Vanessa about Columbia over a glass of red wine or at least after he’d taken a shower and brushed his teeth。 But he couldn’t handle the thought of waiting another minute。

“I have so much to tell you too!” Vanessa said eagerly。 There was so much he needed to get caught up on in her life。 She couldn’t wait to bring him to Bushwick and go to one of the all…night parties that her sophomore friends Brianna and Kara held on the first Sunday of every month。 She couldn’t wait to show him some of the films she’d made。 She couldn’t wait to spend all day at the International Film Center; making out and watching movies。

Dan stood up。 “Follow me。” He led the way toward his bedroom。

“Is it a present?” Vanessa asked as she trailed down the hallway after him。 She hoped not。 They’d decided not to give presents to each other this holiday and instead put the money toward an emergency plane ticket fund so Dan could e visit when the distance was feeling unbearable。

“Nope。” Dan grabbed the acceptance letter off his desk and thrust it toward her; buzzing with anticipation。 He’d memorized every word。

Vanessa scanned the document while Dan watched。 He noticed a sparkly barrette sweeping a lock of hair behind her left ear。 Vanessa never used to wear jewelry。

She also never used to have hair。

Finally; Vanessa looked up; a faint smile playing on her full red lips。 “Does this mean you’re not going back to Evergreen?”

Dan nodded happily as he closed up the space between them and pressed her back against the doorframe。 “I hated Evergreen。 All I could do was think about you; and about us。 I couldn’t write without you。 I need you;” he said。 How did long…distance relationships ever work? He could hardly stand to be in a different room than Vanessa。

“I know;” Vanessa murmured。 Dan’s breath was hot against her cheek。 Had Dan really spent every waking moment at Evergreen just thinking about her and wanting to e home? She knew he hated it there; but hadn’t he even tried to like his classes? To make friends?

“So; I was thinking we could live here until we find a place。 We could get a studio downtown。 It wouldn’t be that expensive;” Dan mused; running his fingers through Vanessa’s short hair。 It was silky and unfamiliar; but Dan instantly loved it; just like he loved every part of her。

Vanessa nodded; trying to imagine living with Dan。 They’d tried a few times last year for short periods of time; but it had never really worked。 One of them would always get moody or jealous。 But maybe now that they were in college; it would be different?

“And we can arrange our schedules together。 There’s this one class at Columbia called The Poetry of Film that I was thinking of taking。 Maybe you could take it as a visiting student? Or maybe you could transfer。” His hand grazed the hem of her black long…sleeve thermal top。

“Transfer?” Vanessa pulled back slightly。 “But I like NYU。” She loved her classes; and most of the people she’d met。 The film students tended to stick together; going from screenings to happy hours to late…night onion ring runs at Tick Tock Diner in a herd。 In high school; Vanessa would have thought that type of behavior was ridiculously lame。 But having a big group of friends was actually fun。

What was she getting so worked up about? Dan was her boyfriend; and he was moving back to the city。 Of course he just wanted to spend more time with her。 And of course that was what she wanted too。 “e here。” She smiled and reached toward Dan; pulling him in for a kiss。 His lips tasted reassuringly familiar; like Crest and Folgers。

Just then; her cell vibrated from her back pocket。 She pulled out the phone and frowned。

“What?” Dan asked impatiently。

Vanessa scanned the display。 NEW YEAR’S PARTY AT MY CASA。 210 AVE B。 HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE—HOLLIS。 Hollis was her TA for her Intro to Film class。 He was only twenty…five but he’d already screened a few of his films at the Tribeca Film Festival。 One of them had even been picked up by an indie film pany。 He was intense; but approachable and funny; and would be the first to tell you if your film sucked。 In fact; he’d given her first assignment a C+ because he thought it was too perfectly executed。 This has technical precision; but not heart。 Do you want to make credit card mercials or films? he’d asked。 It should have been obnoxious; but she respected his honesty。

“My friend is having a New Year’s Eve party downtown tomorrow night…。” Vanessa tried to picture Dan interacting with some of her new friends; like Matt and Chip; the gay couple who made extremely explicit XX…rated films。 Dan could sometimes be a little… antisocial。

“My dad wanted me to go on some retreat thing;” Dan told her; disappointed。 “I just told him I’d e。”

老板,笑一个  早安,幽灵小姐  第一名男友  修神成魔  昆仑·天机卷  别怕,小绵羊  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  蝴蝶金簪  神医至尊:开局被退婚  霸绝天  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  遇女心惊  校花古游记  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  梦华传说  洪荒凌霄录  飘渺之旅(1)  贼女王妃  九界前传  女王的裙摆~  


















