


“Follow me, ” cried the Hare, and it ran through the wood till it came to a pool of water。 And at the bottom of the pool the piece of yellow gold was lying。

“How shall I thank thee?” said the Star…Child, “for lo! this is the second time that you have succoured me。”

“Nay, but thou hadst pity on me first, ” said the Hare, and it ran away swiftly。

And the Star…Child took the piece of yellow gold, and put it in his wallet, and hurried to the city。 But the leper saw him ing, and ran to meet him, and knelt down and cried, “Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger。”

And the Star…Child said to him, “I have in my wallet but one piece of yellow gold, and if I bring it not to my master he will beat me and keep me as his slave。 ”

But the leper entreated him sore, so that the Star…Child had pity on him, and gave him the piece of yellow gold。

And when he came to the Magician’s house, the Magician opened to him, and brought him in, and said to him, “Hast thou the piece of yellow gold?” And the Star…Child said to him, “I have it not。” So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and loaded him with chains, and cast him again into the dungeon。

And on the morrow the Magician came to him, and said, “If to…day thou bringest me the piece of red gold I will set thee free, but if thou bringest it not I will surely slay thee。 ”

So the Star…Child went to the wood, and all day long he searched for the piece of red gold, but nowhere could he find it。 And at evening he sat him down and wept, and as he was weeping there came to him the little Hare。

And the Hare said to him, “The piece of red gold that thou seekest is in the cavern that is behind thee。 Therefore weep no more but be glad。”

“How shall I reward thee?” cried the Star…Child, “for lo! this is the third time thou hast succoured me。 ”

“Nay, but thou hadst pity on me first, ” said the Hare, and it ran away swiftly。

And the Star…Child entered the cavern, and in its farthest corner he found the piece of red gold。 So he put it in his wallet, and hurried to the city。 And the leper seeing him ing, stood in the centre of the road, and cried out, and said to him, “Give me the piece of red money, or I must die, ” and the Star…Child had pity on him again, and gave him the piece of red gold, saying, “Thy need is greater than mine。” Yet was his heart heavy, for he knew what evil fate awaited him。

But lo! as he passed through the gate of the city, the guards bowed down and made obeisance to him, saying, “How beautiful is our lord!” and a crowd of citizens followed him, and cried out, “Surely there is none so beautiful in the whole world!” so that the Star…Child wept, and said to himself, “They are mocking me, and making light of my misery。 ” And so large was the concourse of the people, that he lost the threads of his way, and found himself at last in a great square, in which there was a palace of a King。

And the gate of the palace opened, and the priests and the high officers of the city ran forth to meet him, and they abased themselves before him, and said, “Thou art our lord for whom we have been waiting, and the son of our King。 ”

And the Star…Child answered them and said, “I am no king’s son, but the child of a poor beggar…woman。 And how say ye that I am beautiful, for I know that I am evil to look at?”

Then he, whose armour was inlaid with gilt flowers, and on whose helmet crouched a lion that had wings, held up a shield, and cried, “How saith my lord that he is not beautiful?”

And the Star…Child looked, and lo! his face was even as it had been, and his eliness had e back to him, and he saw that in his eyes which he had not seen there before。

And the priests and the high officers knelt down and said to him, “It was prophesied of old that on this day should e he who was to rule over us。 Therefore, let our lord take this crown and this sceptre, and be in his justice and mercy our King over us。”

But he said to them, “I am not worthy, for I have denied the mother who bare me, nor may I rest till I have found her, and known her forgiveness。 Therefore, let me go, for I must wander again over the world, and may not tarry here, though ye bring me the crown and the sceptre。” And as he spake he turned his face from them towards the street that led to the gate of the city, and lo! amongst the crowd that pressed round the soldiers, he saw the beggar…woman who was his mother, and at her side stood the leper, who had sat by the road。

And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he ran over, and kneeling down he kissed the wounds on his mother’s feet, and wet them with his tears。 He bowed his head in the dust, and sobbing, as one whose heart might break, he said to her: “Mother, I denied thee in the hour of my pride。 Accept me in the hour of my humility。 Mother, I gave thee hatred。 Do thou give me love。 Mother, I rejected thee。 Receive thy child now。 ”But the beggar…woman answered him

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