


Dannys shine or lifeforce or spirit 。。。 whatever you wanted to call it 。。。

into itself — what would it be then?

The thought made her cold all over。

〃I wish Daddy was all better;〃 Danny said; and the tears began to flow again。

〃Me too;〃 she said; and hugged Danny tightly。 〃And honey; thats why youve

got to help me put your daddy somewhere。 Somewhere that the hotel cant make him

hurt us and where he cant hurt himself。 Then 。。。 if your friend Dick es;

or a park ranger; we can take him away。 And I think he might be all right again。

All of us might be all right。 I think theres still a chance for that; if were

strong and brave; like you were when you jumped on his back。 Do you understand?〃

She looked at him pleadingly and thought how strange it was; she had never seen

him when he looked so much like Jack。

〃Yes;〃 he said; and nodded。 〃I think 。。。 if we can get away from here 。。。

everything will be like it was。 Where could we put him?〃

〃The pantry。 Theres food in there; and a good strong bolt on the outside。

Its warm。 And we can eat up the things from the refrigerator and the freezer。

There will be plenty for all three of us until help es。〃

〃Do we do it now?〃

〃Yes; right now。 Before he wakes up。;〃

Danny put the bargate up while she folded Jacks hands on his chest and

listened to his breathing for a moment。 It was slow but regular。 From the smell

of him she thought he must have drunk a great deal 。。。 and he was out of the

habit。 She thought it might be liquor as much as the crack on the head with the

bottle that had put him out。

She picked up his legs and began to drag him along the floor。 She had been

married to him for nearly seven years; he had lain on top of her countless

times — in the thousands — but she had never realized how heavy he was。 Her breath

whistled painfully in and out of her hurt throat。 Nevertheless; she felt better

than she had in days。 She was alive。 Having just brushed so close to death; that

was precious。 And Jack was alive; too。 By blind luck rather than plan; they had

perhaps found the only way that would bring them all safely out。

Panting harshly; she paused a moment; holding Jacks feet against her hips。

The surroundings reminded her of the old seafaring captains cry in Treasure

Island after old blind Pew had passed him the Black Spot: hell do em yet。

And then she remembered; unfortably; that the old seadog had dropped dead

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