


Well; according to their fake IDs; they’ve always been …twenty…two。

“Look; there’s Kati and Isabel! Hey!” Serena called; standing up and waving。 She was oblivious to all the people who turned to stare at her sequined Marni shift dress riding up dangerously high on her thigh。

“Hey!” Isabel yelled; clomping into the bar in a pair of five…inch Miu Miu Mary Janes。 She wore an all…purple jumpsuit and looked like a psychedelic plumber。 Her hand was intertwined with Kati’s: Kati wore a simple black dress and a huge grin on her heart…shaped face。

“Hey。” Blair’s eyes flicked down to their hands。 They were both wearing matching silver rings on their ring fingers。

“You guys are friends again!” Serena clapped her hands in glee。

Isabel shrugged shyly。 “Yeah。 I don’t know what took us so long。”

“We’re just heading up。 Are you guys ready? It’ll be just like old times; right?” Kati asked; still holding Isabel’s hand。

Almost like old times。

In the dim amber light of the bar; Blair’s former classmates looked almost sweet together。 “Sure;” she said。 She drained the rest of her drink and stood up; wavering slightly in the snakeskin thigh…high Christian Louboutin boots her father had sent her for Christmas。 It was forting that no matter how much things changed; Blair always had the best shoes in the room。

They do say it’s the little things that give life meaning。

“Are you sure it’ll be okay for you to see Chuck?” Serena whispered to Blair as they followed Isabel and Kati toward the elevator bank。

“What if you see Dan?” Blair countered。

Serena paused。 She hadn’t thought about that。 But she doubted Dan would be there; everyone had been invited; but parties were never his thing。

As they reached the elevator; Serena spontaneously threw her arms around Blair’s shoulders。 “I have you; who else do I need?” she exclaimed。

“You guys are meant for each other;” Kati said; shaking her head knowingly at Isabel。

The elevator opened and the four girls headed down the plush gray–carpeted hall toward the suite。 Inside; Blair spotted her brother setting up his DJ equipment in the corner。 Jenny Humphrey was sitting on one of Tyler’s synthesizer cases; wearing a cleavage…baring black tank top; her curls piled messily on top of her head and held in place by an oversize butterfly…shaped barrette。

Blair arched an eyebrow。 She’d almost forgotten her matchmaking plan。 But it looked like it had worked。 Hopefully she wouldn’t regret it。

“Wait; do you think that means Jenny and Nate are broken up?” Serena asked; following Blair’s gaze toward Jenny and Tyler。

“I’ll find out;” Blair announced; marching toward her brother。

In the corner; Rain Hoffstetter and Laura Salmon were mixing elaborate pastel…colored shots。 Kati and Isabel clutched hands and looked fearfully toward Blair。

“What do you think she’s going to do to Jenny?” Kati asked。

“She can’t do anything。 She has this anger management issue and she’s on probation。 That’s why her mom moved back to New York。 She wanted to keep an eye on her;” Rain said; downing the pink shot Laura had concocted。 She wore a high…necked purple wool dress that hid her unfortunate infinity symbol tattoo。

“That’s why she’s applying to law school;” Laura offered; slurring her words drunkenly。

Blair picked her way through the crowd to Jenny and Tyler。 Tyler’s arm was slung possessively around Jenny’s tiny shoulders as he worked the turntables。 She tapped Jenny on the arm。 “e with me;” she demanded; turning on her heel without waiting for an answer。

She led Jenny to the opposite end of the bar and pulled out one of the modern black stools。 “Sit;” she ordered。 Jenny meekly perched on the edge of the stool; her legs dangling like a little kid’s。

Blair perched on a stool next to her。 “Are you cheating on Nate?” she asked; getting straight to the point。

Jenny shook her head; her curls grazing her milky white shoulders。 “No。 We broke up。 It was just moving so fast; and I still have all of college ahead of me; and I…” Jenny babbled; glancing up at Blair’s foxlike face。 Blair’s features suddenly relaxed and flashed the briefest of smiles; so small it could easily have been Jenny’s imagination。 She’d been expecting Blair to scream at her; to blame her; to tell her it was ridiculous that she be the one to break up with Nate。 But instead; Blair shrugged; as if to say; Do whatever you want。

Blair arched an eyebrow at the younger girl。 Well; wasn’t Jenny full of surprises? She slid off the stool。 “Don’t break my brother’s heart;” she called over her shoulder。 The fact that Meow Meow was over meant Nate was single。 And probably heartbroken。 Interesting…

“Thanks;” Jenny said; mystified。 She smiled slowly at Tyler。 She didn’t think anything would happen with them tonight—but it was nice to get Blair’s blessing。

Well; not quite; but that’s as close as she’s going to get。

Vanessa walked into the swanky lobby of the Tribeca Star; still trying to get used to the loud clicking noise her black pumps made with every step across the marble lobby。 She wore a dark blue dress from one of her favorite Williamsburg boutiques; her hair pulled into a messy bun at the back of her head。 By the check…in desk; a guy in khakis and a button…down nodded appreciatively at her。 Vanessa smiled。 She knew she looked good。 She didn’t have to prove to the world she was an artsy independent filmmaker by wearing all black and a surly expression。 Maybe it was because she’d been single for a year and had finally really gotten to know herself。 Maybe it was because she finally realized how much people liked her for her。

And maybe it was because she sort of wanted to impress a certain boy?

Vanessa rode the elevator upstairs。 She’d never been to one of Chuck’s parties before; but now that she knew she was leaving New York; there seemed no reason to avoid it。 Besides; she needed to talk to Dan; and she had a feeling he’d be here with Serena。 After spending the night together; Vanessa had felt horribly guilty。 She’d been camped out at Ruby and Piotr’s since; but she couldn’t stay there forever。 She wanted to apologize for what had happened and tell Dan that while she’d always love him; it was for the best that he and Serena were together。 She hadn’t meant to e between them。

The elevator doors slid open; and several teenage girls tumbled out a door down the hall。

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