


As if they were following the steps to a dance only they knew; they stood without breaking their kiss。 Vanessa took Dan’s hand; and led him to her bedroom。

So this is what their younger selves imagined。

hey people!

bad behavior

Just when I think we’re all too old for the over…the…top antics of our youth; several of our favorite people have proven they still know how to bend the rules: B and S were spotted sneaking into a certain Eighty…second Street town house。 J was spotted rediscovering her rock star self and dancing all night at Filter。 That’s just as well; since N was in bed with B… and S。 And D didn’t seem to miss S because he was awfully busy with… dinner。

So what’s up with the recent spate of bad behavior? It could be a result of senior year stress。 It could be a flirtation with the past。 Or it could be us ing to terms with the yin and the yang; the bad and the good existing in all of us。 The realization that even though we might be older; we might wear better clothes; we might be able to spout off Proust and Plato with aplomb; we’re still just figuring out our place in the world; one mistake at a time。 We’re old enough to stop pretending to be perfect; to stop pretending the past never happened; to realize that drama keeps life interesting。 And; that said…

hangover help

I don’t know about you; but now that I’m legally allowed to drink; my hangovers have been ten times worse。 Talk about youth being wasted on the young。 If this season you find yourself with a pounding headache the likes of which you haven’t felt since freshman year; I can sympathize。 My advice? Go back to sleep and have your significant other brave the cold for bagels。 Indulge in a carb and snuggle…fest in bed; and stay there until the sun dips low into the sky。 After all; it’s vacation and you deserve the break。

your e…mail

q: Dear Gossip Girl;

My best friend has a boyfriend but loves to go out and dance。 And boys—especially one boy in particular—loves to dance with her。 Should I stage an intervention or something or just realize she can make her own decisions?


a: Dear Cali;

Last I heard; dancing isn’t cheating。 I say; just dance—but be ready to cut in if things look like they’re getting a little too down and dirty。


q: Dear Gossip Girl;

So; where’s the New Year’s party?


a: Dear Party;

Ordinarily; a query like this would force me to break the sad news that you just may not have been invited to the fete of the season; but this year; it seems our favorite reformed bad boy has yet to send out invites。 Shall we add sloth to our list of sins as well?



N ordering a dozen bagels at daybreak at Pick…a…Bagel。 Impromptu brunch plans?… B and S stumbling down Fifth Avenue; also at daybreak; heading toward S’s house。 Haven’t seen that in a while! J and her friend E ordering eggs at Three Guys at 6 a。m。; looking sweaty and disheveled in that I’ve been dancing my ass off all night way。 Good for them! V making a coffee run to the deli on the corner; looking blissful for early in the morning。 Why so happy?

one more theory

Maybe all of our bad behavior is just gearing up for the final countdown: I’m talking New Year’s Eve in just a few days。 Will our favorite party pad be up and running this year; or will we need to find an alternate venue? Will we kiss the same people; different people; or ring in the new year with only our cat for pany? And what will this year bring? I’ll be the first to know and you’ll be the first to find out。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

out with the old; in with the new?

“A large latte; please;” Serena said to the surly…looking server behind the counter of the Hungarian Pastry Shop on 112th and Amsterdam。 Her head was pounding and her mouth felt dry。 Last night; after drinking a few of her extra…strong vodka gimlets; she and Nate and Blair had fallen asleep in a tangled pile midway through Breakfast at Tiffany’s and had woken up to a river of melted ice cream in the bed with them。

People have woken up to worse…。

Despite the shaky start; Serena had actually managed to have a productive morning。 She’d called the real estate agent for the Frank Lloyd Wright house and had already made all the arrangements for an August move…in。 She couldn’t wait。 And she really couldn’t wait to tell Dan。 That was why she’d chosen the pastry shop to meet。 Serena hated it; but it was Dan’s favorite place。

“Thanks;” Serena said to the barista as she grabbed her latte。 The barista snorted in response。 Serena sat down at one of the tables in the corner; which had only three legs and shook whenever she placed her cup on its surface。

The bell above the door dinged as a new customer entered。 Dan。 He was red…faced from the wind and holding his place in The Tropic of Cancer with his index finger。

“Hey;” he said; sinking down into the seat across from her。

“Hi。” Serena smiled at her rumpled; absentminded poet boyfriend。 She pulled out the photos she’d printed of the house and spread them across the table; silently beaming in satisfaction。

夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  飘渺之旅(1)  神医至尊:开局被退婚  早安,幽灵小姐  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  霸绝天  洪荒凌霄录  女王的裙摆~  修神成魔  别怕,小绵羊  第一名男友  昆仑·天机卷  九界前传  贼女王妃  蝴蝶金簪  老板,笑一个  校花古游记  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  梦华传说  遇女心惊  


















