


“How is she?” he asked。 He couldn’t help himself。 He’d tried to forget about Blair; and sometimes; he could almost convince himself he had。 But seeing the photograph of her grinning so easily at him stirred up all the feelings he’d tried so hard to get rid of。

“I don’t know。” Serena and Blair hadn’t talked all year; and Serena didn’t really feel like talking about her now either。 Especially not with Nate。 She pulled her dusky rose duvet cover around her and leaned back against the carved…oak headboard。 “She was in LA visiting her family;” she offered; remembering the strained e…mail she’d received from Blair after Thanksgiving。 “She and her boyfriend were there together。”

“She’s still with him?” Nate dropped the photo。 It bounced once on the bed; then clattered to the hardwood floor。 He wasn’t sure why he was so surprised。 Blair was at Yale; not a nunnery。 For all he knew; she’d had hundreds of boyfriends since last year。

“I think so。 I don’t know;” Serena said softly; feeling a tingling in her fingertips that always preceded tears。 She turned away from Nate so she faced the window。 Outside; the treetops were barren。 Icicles hung from the building’s eaves; slowly melting in the morning sun。 She didn’t want to turn around until Nate spoke。 To say that he was in love with her; to say that Blair didn’t mean anything to him; to say he was glad Blair had a boyfriend because all he wanted was Serena。

Serena breathed in and out slowly; trying to even out her breath so each inhale and exhale lasted exactly three seconds。 It was a trick she’d learned from one of her acting teachers; a way to remain in control if you felt like your emotions might overtake you in a scene。

Too late。

Angry tears pricked her navy blue eyes。 Was he still in love with Blair? Would she always be his backup?

“Serena?” Nate tentatively touched her shoulder; as if she were a stranger。

“You know; I have a lot of stuff to do today;” she announced; swinging her feet onto the hardwood floor。 She yanked a rose…colored sheet off the bed and primly wrapped it around her body like a bathrobe。 No way was Nate allowed to see her naked now。

“Serena; wait;” Nate said helplessly。 He wanted to hold her and kiss her and make it better。 After all; he loved her; too。

Serena whirled around。 “What?”

“I just…” Nate’s glittering green eyes clouded and he looked at his hands。

“Happy New Year; Nate;” she said; and closed the bathroom door behind her; not wanting to let him see her cry。

(Happy) New Year; indeed。

d earns his poetic license

From: colmdoyle@columbia。edu

To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu

Subject: Re: poetry submission

Danny Boy!

I thought you were going to submit shite; but this is the real thing; boyo。 Sent it to Jaymi Matteo at The New Yorker。 She wants it。 They’re going to crash it into their next issue; printing tonight! What’s it called?


From: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu

To: colmdoyle@columbia。edu

Subject: Re: re: poetry submission

Dear Professor Doyle;

Thank you; sir。 I’m honored。 You can call the poem Serena。


Dan Humphrey

true confessions

“Are you all right; miss?” a black…vested waiter asked as he rolled the room service cart into Blair’s Tribeca Star suite Wednesday morning。 “Your usual;” he added; lifting the silver cover from the plate。 It was the same waiter who’d brought her dinner last night。 And dinner the night before。 Blair glared mutinously at him。 Didn’t he have a life?

Doesn’t she?

“I’m fine;” Blair growled; causing the waiter to scurry out of the room; leaving her alone with her leek and goat cheese omelet and bacon。 Blair took the tray from the side table and brought it back to the bed; balancing it on her knees。 Her boyf

洪荒凌霄录  九界前传  飘渺之旅(1)  贼女王妃  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  第一名男友  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  校花古游记  蝴蝶金簪  修神成魔  女王的裙摆~  神医至尊:开局被退婚  早安,幽灵小姐  昆仑·天机卷  老板,笑一个  别怕,小绵羊  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  梦华传说  遇女心惊  霸绝天  


















