


st time Serena saw her。 She automatically looked over Isabel’s shoulder; sure she’d see Kati Farkas; Isabel’s BFF and constant wingwoman。 Isabel and Kati had done everything together since the fourth grade。 Kati had even turned down admission to Princeton so she and Isabel wouldn’t have to be separated。 But instead of Kati; a girl with a ski…jump nose and chin…length straight brown hair stood next to Isabel。 She wore a tight black sleeveless satin dress and looked like she could be Kati’s slightly older sister。 But Kati didn’t have sisters。

“This is my girlfriend; Casey;” Isabel announced proudly。 She readjusted her white Marc Jacobs tote strap on her shoulder。

Girlfriend girlfriend? Serena noticed Isabel’s hand intertwined with the girl’s。

“We met in a women’s studies class。” Isabel smiled adoringly at Casey。

There’s her answer。

“This is Serena van der Woodsen。 We went to school together;” Isabel explained; her hand now resting lightly on Casey’s back。

“Nice to meet you; Casey。” Serena smiled; holding out her hand to the tall girl; who took it gingerly。

“Nice to meet you too。 I haven’t seen any of your movies;” Casey announced bluntly。

As if anyone asked。

“Oh; that’s okay。 How’s Kati?” Serena asked Isabel; easing back onto her stool。 She couldn’t help but wonder if Isabel was really gay; or just going through the fashionable bisexual phase of college she’d heard about。

Isabel sighed and shook her head。 “She has this; like; football player boyfriend and is pledging a sorority that wears pink sweat suits to class。 It’s awful。 Casey and I pretty much do our own thing。 But what about you? I saw the movie。 You were pretty good;” Isabel allowed。

“Thanks。” Serena blushed。 She hoped Isabel really meant it and wasn’t just being polite。 “Things are okay。 Just working a lot。 We’re filming a sequel to Breakfast at Fred’s that’s ing out in the summer; so that’s fun…。” Serena trailed off。 Even though she’d been on the cover of the October issue of Vanity Fair; part of her felt stuck。 She’d e home from her big premiere; thinking it would be the greatest night of her life; to her same pink childhood bedroom in her parents’ sprawling Upper East Side penthouse。 If possible; she almost felt less grown…up than she had before graduating; especially since she now had an agent and a publicist who told her exactly what to wear; what to say; and who to be seen with。 The real world felt a lot different than she’d imagined。

“A sequel sounds great!” Isabel cooed。 “Anyway; I was just showing Casey all of our old haunts。 Remember hours trying things on at Barneys; and then so much time just eating spaghetti and meatballs upstairs at Fred’s? That all feels like so long ago now;” she mused; nuzzling her head against Casey’s。 The guys standing around them were all drooling over the lesbian…chic couple。

“It does;” Serena agreed wholeheartedly。 Just a matter of months ago; she and Blair and Kati and Isabel would meet before school to smoke Merits on the Met steps and imagine their lives in college。 Now; Blair was pre…law at Yale; Isabel was a lesbian; Kati was running around with pink Greek letters on her ass; and Serena was trying to make a go of it in the movies。

“So; have you seen anyone yet?” Isabel asked。

“No。” Serena shook her head。 For her; only two people really mattered: Blair and Nate。 She and Blair had kept in touch since Blair headed up to New Haven; and once Serena had sent Blair a package full of Wolford stockings and black…and…white cookies; in a bow…tied Barneys bag—some of Blair’s favorite New York things。 Blair had reciprocated with a stuffed bulldog wearing a Yale T…shirt。 It was sitting on Serena’s dresser; next to a silver…framed picture of the two of them wearing enormous hats at a Kentucky Derby party sophomore year。 They’d send e…mails and texts; but never anything long or involved。 It was fine; though。 Blair and Serena were the type of friends who could go for weeks and even; one time; months without speaking; then pick up right where they left off。

As for Nate… Serena hadn’t talked to him since he left; to sail the world for a year。 He had left her crushed; and she wondered if she’d ever see him again。 But she didn’t want to think about that right now。

Or ever。

“Are you going to Chuck’s New Year’s party?” Isabel asked; draining the rest of her Grey Goose and cranberry。 “I mean; I know he’s; like; such a misogynist; but I figured; you can only protest so much; you know? I prepared Casey。”

“Wait; Chuck is back from military school?” Serena asked; suddenly eager to hear everything。 She hadn’t thought about Chuck—with his sketchy history; his trademark monogrammed scarf; or his questionable sexuality—since graduation。 But the last she’d heard; after getting rejected from all twelve schools he’d applied to; he’d gone to some tiny underground; remote…country…boot…camp men’s college。 Of course her parents saw Chuck’s parents socially; but they never mentioned what he was doing。 It was an unspoken rule on the Upper East Side that parents didn’t discuss their unsuccessful children。

“He must be。” Isabel shrugged。 “The party’s on。 I saw Laura Salmon at City Bakery this morning and she told me she was hanging out with Rain Hoffstetter at some lame Constance alum tea party that Mrs。 M organized。 Thank God we missed that。 But; anyway; I guess she talked to Chuck。 I don’t know。 It’s at his place at the Tribeca Star。 But I guess since you’re a movie star and all now; you probably have to host some MTV countdown special or something; right?”

昆仑·天机卷  九界前传  贼女王妃  修神成魔  梦华传说  霸绝天  重生六零小知青,被痞帅糙汉娇宠了  女王的裙摆~  蝴蝶金簪  神医至尊:开局被退婚  老板,笑一个  早安,幽灵小姐  校花古游记  遇女心惊  第一名男友  偷心猎爱:首席的心尖宠  夭寿啦,老祖又又又纳妾了!  别怕,小绵羊  洪荒凌霄录  飘渺之旅(1)  


















