


B on a train from New Haven to Montpelier; Vermont; looking very out of place in a sea of multicolored plaid flannel。 S with three interchangeable anorexic dyed blond girls on the red carpet for a premiere。 V and some friends from NYU; including a very hot hipster teaching assistant; at a film party in Bushwick。 Is someone trying to get extra credit? D and his little sister; J; splitting a plate of gooey chocolate…chip pancakes at one of those horribly crowded diners on upper Broadway。 C and his new horde of cowboy boot–clad dudes ordering Cokes at the lounge at Tribeca Star。 Should the hotel erect a hitching post?

still breaking all the rules

Technically you no longer live under your parents’ roof。 You’ve already indulged them with Scrabble and decorating gingerbread men that no one’s going to eat。 Now it’s time to party。 You can always reform after January 1st—that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for。 So go out; have fun; and show your former besties and former flames just how much better you’ve bee。

Besides; now that you know I’m watching; aren’t you just dying to put on a show? Thought so。

You know you love me;

gossip girl

all b wants for christmas

“You awake; Scout?”

Blair Waldorf awoke from a nap to the sight of her boyfriend; Pete Carlson; gazing down at her。 Pete smiled his adorable; lopsided smile。 His eyes were ocean blue and framed by strawberry blond lashes; to match his thick; floppy head of hair。

Blair threw the Black Watch–plaid duvet to the foot of the couch and discreetly checked for drool with her index finger。 She loved being woken up by Pete; especially when he called her by an adorable nickname。 Currently; it was Scout; because she’d directed him and his three older brothers to the best Douglas fir Christmas tree; deep in the woods of the Carlsons’ expansive Woodstock; Vermont; estate。 Early this morning; they’d all opened presents underneath the magnificent tree。 Pete had given Blair a pair of navy blue…and…tan North Face hiking boots with the promise that he’d bring her on some of his favorite trails when it got warmer。 Blair had never been one for the great wide open; but Pete loved being outdoors; and suddenly the idea of sleeping under the stars with him at her side seemed almost romantic。

“Of course I’m awake;” Blair lied; sitting up and yawning。 It was only noon; but Pete’s adorable…but…hyper nieces and nephews had woken everyone up to open presents at the ungodly hour of 5 a。m。

“Good。” Pete settled next to her on the worn navy blue couch; tenderly pushing Blair’s long bangs off her foxlike face。 Her hair was a little shaggier than she liked; but she simply didn’t trust any of the hair salons in dingy New Haven。 Besides; what were unkempt bangs when she was with a guy who truly loved her?

“Have any dreams? You were making these little growls in your sleep。 It was cute。” Pete pulled the woolen blanket off the floor and draped it over their legs。

“Oh。” Blair frowned。 She was growling?

In truth; she’d been having a lot of weird dreams lately。 Last night; she’d woken up and thought she was at a sleepover at her old best friend Serena van der Woodsen’s house; only to find herself all alone in the dark; regal guest bedroom of the Carlsons’ oversize colonial。

Maybe it was just homesickness。 After all; she didn’t have a home in New York anymore; she hadn’t seen Serena since August; and no one in her family was even in the U。S。 this week。 Her father; Harold; was celebrating Christmas in Provence with his boyfriend; Giles; and their adopted twins。 Her stepbrother; Aaron; was on a kibbutz in Israel。 Her mother; stepfather; brother; Tyler; and baby sister; Yale; had moved to LA back in August; to a gigantic; tacky Pacific Palisades mansion that they were making even bigger and tackier。 While the renovations were taking place; the four were traveling in the South Pacific; visiting the islands that Eleanor Rose; in a fit of pregnancy…induced mania last spring; had bought for each member of the family。 Blair had been somewhat tempted to tag along; if only to see her baby sister; the least fucked…up member of her tragically absurd family。

That was all before she’d received the holiday card her mother had sent out。 CELEBRATE THE WALDORF…ROSE FAMILY’S HOLIDAY MERGER had been written in gold script atop a photograph of her bald stepfather。 Cyrus Rose was dressed in a bright red velvet Santa suit; holding an elf…costumed infant Yale in one hand; a menorah in the other。 Celebrating the holiday merger suddenly seemed a whole lot less appealing。 And once she’d been invited to spend Christmas with the picture…perfect Carlsons; she felt it was her duty as a girlfriend to go。

“I was just dreaming about you。 Us。 I’m just so happy。” Blair sighed contentedly as she gazed into the blaze roaring in the quaint brick fireplace across the room。 Outside; a thin blanket of snow covered the ground。

“Me too。” Pete ruffled her hair and pulled her face into his for a kiss。

“You taste nice;” Blair breathed; letting her body relax into Pete’s muscular arms。 She shrugged off her black Loro Piana cashmere cardigan so she was wearing only her peach Cosabella tank top。

It was funny how things worked out。 When she arrived at Yale four months ago; Blair discovered that her incessantly perky roommate; Alana Hoffman; sang a cappella。 All the time。 Blair would wake up to Alana singing “Son of a Preacher Man” to her collection of Gund teddy bears。 Avoiding her room; Blair spent a lot of time in the library; where Pete was writing a paper for his magical realism class。 Blair hadn’t been able to so much as look at a guy ever since Nate Archibald; her high school boyfriend and the supposed love of her life; chose not to e to Yale with her; leaving her high and dry at Grand Central Station to head to college alone。 But that day; spotting Pete’s adorably rugged stubble; the half…smile he always wore; and the intense concentration in his dark blue eyes as he bent over his worn paperback book; Blair felt for the first time that there could be life after Nate。 She and Pete had exchanged flirty glances; and finally he invited her for coffee。

They’d been inseparable ever since。 In fact; since Thanks…giving; Blair had been practically living with Pete—and his five gin…swilling; athletic roommates—in a fortably shabby Chapel Street town house。 At first; Blair had been nervous about living with so many guys; but she sort of liked having instantaneous brothers; and most of the time being the only girl in the room。 Especially when they gave her free rein of the upstairs bathroom and didn’t mind helping her with stats homework。

It was amazing how easy everything could be with Pete。 For the first time in Blair’s eighteen years; her life made sense。 She loved her pre…law classes; lived in a house of boys who adored her; had a loving; handsome boyfriend; and had even found a surrogate family in the Carlsons。

One that didn’t use the word merger。

For the past few days; they’d spent every waking hour with the family: Pete’s former U。S。 se

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